5 min
Debugging Metasploit modules with pry-debugger
Pentester Pete here again. It's nice to see ya'll and thanks for coming back.
Have you ever had those times when you're developing, updating, or when a
Metasploit module throws a backtrace on ya, and you're scratching your head
asking yourself, “why me, what's going on”? Well, I hope this blog will get you
through those moments with as little pain as possible. That's right, in this
blog we'll cry [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7nqwGt4-I], laugh
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45vkBlvtIXA], a
3 min
Leveraging the power of Metasploit's resource scripts
As a pentester for Rapid7 I use Metasploit a lot. I think one of the most
overlooked features in Metasploit is the ability to create resource scripts.
What are resource scripts you ask? “A resource file is essentially a batch
script for Metasploit; using these files you can automate common tasks – H.D.
There are several resource scripts included with Metasploit, one of which is
port_cleaner. If you're like me you have had times when, after importing NMAP
scan data, a bunch of cruft fo