2 min
Metasploitable3 CTF Results and Wrap-Up
The Metasploitable3 CTF competition
has wrapped up and we have our winners! We had almost 300 flag submissions from
more than 50 fine folks. There were some really great right-ups submitted with
great details on how flags were found. Thanks to everyone who took time to
submit a finding! ON TO THE RESULTS!
When we announced the competition, we didn't specify if team submissions were
allowed or not.
2 min
Metasploitable3 CTF Competition: Update and Leaderboard!
The Metasploitable3
[/2016/11/15/test-your-might-with-the-shiny-new-metasploitable3] Capture The
Flag Competition [/2016/12/07/metasploitable3-capture-the-flags-competition] has
been underway for about a week now and the submissions have been pouring in!
We're very excited to see so many great submissions. We're reviewing as fast as
we can so if you don't hear back from us right away, don't worry, you will. For
all valid submissions we will update this blog post and subsequent ones with the
4 min
Metasploitable3 Capture the Flag Competition
UPDATE: Leaderboard can be found on this new post
[/2016/12/14/metasploitable3-ctf-competition-update]! Plus, some notes that may
be helpful.
Exciting news! Rapid7 is hosting a month-long, world-wide capture the flag(s)
Rapid7 recently released Metasploitable3
[https://github.com/rapid7/metasploitable3], the latest version of our
attackable, vulnerable environment designed to help security professionals,
students, and researchers alike hone their skills and practice their craft. I
7 min
Honing Your Application Security Chops on DevSecOps
Integrating Application Security with Rapid Delivery
Any development shop worth its salt has been honing their chops on DevOps tools
and technologies lately, either sharpening an already practiced skill set or
brushing up on new tips, tricks, and best practices. In this blog, we'll examine
how the rise of DevOps and DevSecOps
[https://www.rapid7.com/fundamentals/devsecops/] have helped to speed
application development while simultaneously enabling teams to embed application
security earlier into