Posts by Corey Thomas

4 min

A Message from Rapid7 CEO, Corey Thomas

Earlier today, the following email was shared with Rapid7 employees.

2 min Product Updates

Rapid7 Acquires IntSights to Tackle the Expanding Threat Landscape

I am pleased to share the exciting news that, today, Rapid7 acquired IntSights, a leading provider of cloud-native, external threat intelligence and proactive threat remediation.

2 min Rapid7 Perspective

Standing Together: A Public Statement from Rapid7 CEO Corey Thomas

It has been shocking for many people in the United States and around the world to see the stark racial injustice and inequality that still exists in the US.

2 min COVID-19

Our Commitment to Keeping Your Organization Secure During COVID-19

COVID-19 has created a great deal of concern and uncertainty, and we want to reassure you that your security remains our top priority.

2 min Rapid7 Perspective

Standing with Massachusetts technology leaders in support of net neutrality

On Monday, Rapid7 will host Senator Edward J. Markey and a group of technology and business leaders from across Massachusetts as we stand in support of net neutrality. Together, we’ll affirm our commitment to a free and open internet that promotes growth and innovation and gives all users broad access to internet content. At the heart of net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers must treat all content transmitted across the internet equally. In practice, this means that IS