4 min
Cloud Pentesting, Pt. 3: The Impact of Ecosystem Maturity
Now that we’ve covered the basics of cloud pentesting and the style in which a cloud environment could be attacked, let’s turn our attention to the entirety of this ecosystem.
7 min
Cloud Pentesting, Pt. 2: Testing Across Different Deployments
Pentesting in the cloud is just like on-premise, right? It depends on how a customer has set up their cloud deployment.
4 min
Cloud Pentesting, Pt. 1: Breaking Down the Basics
More and more customers are looking to get a pentest done in their cloud deployment. What does that mean?
2 min
Penetration Testing
This One Time on a Pen Test: Playing Social Security Slots
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring testimonials of what goes on beneath the hoodie during Rapid7 penetration testing engagements.