2 min
More TLS Improvements in Nexpose 6.1.2
After releasing TLS Coverage Improvements in Nexpose 6.0.2
[/2015/10/14/tls-coverage-improvements-in-nexpose-602] we figured that the
Nexpose Security Console should be able to abide by our own suggestions. Last
year we had already disabled SSLv3 support by default and allowed configuring
what other protocols are enabled on the console as well. With this week's
release we're limiting the TLS cipher suites available to the console's web
server by default. Similar to the protocols, the cipher suit
2 min
Nexpose API: SiteSaveRequest and IP Addresses vs Host Names
With the release of Nexpose 5.11.1
[https://help.rapid7.com/nexpose/en-us/release-notes/] we made some changes
under the hood that improved scan performance and scan integration performance.
As a result of those changes, the rules applied to using SiteSaveRequest in API
1.1 became stricter, which may have caused issues for some users. In the past
this "worked" for the most part, though there were certainly side effects
observable in the Web interface after the fact. Since these issues were not