Posts by Jen Andre

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Introducing Security Orchestration and Automation (SOAR) on the Rapid7 Insight Platform

Rapid7 is proud to officially announce orchestration and automation on our Insight platform, with automation taking shape in a number of existing products and our new SOAR offering, Rapid7 InsightConnect.

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Do You Need Coding Resources on Your Security Team?

Often when security teams think about security automation [], they worry they don’t have the coding capabilities needed to create, implement, and maintain it. Pulling development resources from the IT team or engineering department can take time; backlogs are long, and revenue-generating projects tend to take priority. Another option is to hire an IT consultant, but this can be pricey and may not be sustainable long-term. Instead, some sec

6 min Automation and Orchestration

Top Three Questions to ask Security Orchestration and Automation Vendors

If you’ve been in cybersecurity for some time, you’ve likely heard about the many benefits of security orchestration and automation []: time saved, costs reduced, risk exposure mitigated ... the list goes on. And as this popular technology proliferates across our industry, you have more options than ever before when it comes to choosing a security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution. It’s important to not

4 min Automation and Orchestration

How Security Orchestration and Automation Will Unite Infosec

After working in the security industry for 15 years, one of the consistent themes I’ve observed is how teams struggle with balancing the increasing amount of work they have to do, without an increase in resources to accomplish their goals. But there’s another, less obvious problem that I like to refer to as a different kind of SaaS: “security as a silo.” It should be no surprise that large organizations frequently struggle with silos that create friction and miscommunication—barriers that get i