Posts by Navya Harika Karaka

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: July 14, 2023

Authentication bypass in Wordpress Plugin WooCommerce Payments This week's Metasploit release includes a module for CVE-2023-28121 by h00die []. This module can be used against any wordpress instance that uses WooCommerce payments < 5.6.1. This module exploits an auth by-pass vulnerability in the WooCommerce WordPress plugin. You can simply add a header to execute the bypass and use the API to create a new admin user in Wordpress. New module content (3) Wordpress Plugin

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 4/28/23

Scanner That Pulls Sensitive Information From Joomla Installations This week's Metasploit release includes a module for CVE-2023-23752 by h00die []. Did you know about the improper API access vulnerability in Joomla installations, specifically Joomla versions between 4.0.0 and 4.2.7, inclusive? This vulnerability allows unauthenticated users access to web service endpoints which contain sensitive information such as user and config information. This module can be used to

4 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 2/10/23

Taking a stroll down memory lane (Tomcat Init Script Privilege Escalation) Do you remember the issue with Tomcat init script that was originally discovered by Dawid Golunski [] back in 2016 that led to privilege escalation? This week's Metasploit release includes an exploit module for CVE-2016-1240 by h00die []. This vulnerability allows any local users who already have tomcat accounts to perform privilege escalation and gain acc

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 12/2/22

ProxyNotShell This week's Metasploit release includes an exploit module for CVE-2022-41082, AKA ProxyNotShell by DA-0x43-Dx4-DA-Hx2-Tx2-TP-S-Q, Orange Tsai [], Piotr Bazydło [], Rich Warren [], Soroush Dalili [] , and our very own Spencer McIntyre []. The vulnerability CVE-2022-41082, AKA ProxyNotShell is a deserialization flaw in Microsoft Exchang

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 9/9/22

Authenticated command injection vulnerability of Cisco ASA-X with FirePOWER Services: jbaines-r7 [] added a new module that exploits an authenticated command injection vulnerability CVE-2022-20828 [] of Cisco ASA-X with FirePOWER Services. This vulnerability affects all Cisco ASA appliances that support ASA FirePOWER module. Note that, although a patch has been added to most recent ASA FirePOWER mod