Posts by Sam Humphries

3 min GDPR

GDPR Preparation March and April: Course Correct

Wow, how did March just happen? Living in a country that just fell apart like a clown car because of snow, it’s still feeling decidedly wintery here in the UK, and as a weather obsessed Brit I am fully looking forward to sunnier times. You know, that single day sometime in August. By that time, we’ll have crossed the border into the brave new world of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [], and like many of you, I am curious as to what t

3 min GDPR

Tonight I'm gonna IR like it's 99 (days until GDPR)…

Sorry Nena, it was going to be you or Prince that was going to get the headline, and whilst 99 Red Balloons [] is a catchy 80’s classic, I had to give credit to His Royal Purpleness []. It was that or pay tribute to a childhood favourite vanilla ‘whippy’ ice cream, adorned with a Cadbury’s Flake, but I’m not so sure that would resonate so well with a global audience. “Why 99?”, you may ask. Why not a nice roun

4 min GDPR

GDPR Preparation Checklist: January – Teach and Tidy

New year, new things to think about when it comes to your GDPR compliance [] preparations. Hopefully your GDPR project is in full swing by now. If it’s not, then you do really need to be getting your skates well and truly on. Do take a look through our November [] and December [

4 min GDPR

GDPR Compliance Checklist: December – Assess & Review

With under six months to go until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [] comes into force, organizations that handle the personal data of EU citizens are preparing for this new compliance regulation. In order to help you through this new regulation, we’re creating a series of helpful blog posts to see you all the way to May 25th 2018. This GDPR-focused infographic covers the month-by-month high level topics. If you missed our November bl

3 min GDPR

GDPR Preparation: November – Form & Storm

With just over six months to go until the General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR []) comes into force, organizations that handle the personal data of EU citizens are preparing for this new compliance regulation. If you’ve not gotten started yet, or your plans are still in their infancy, we’re creating a series of helpful blog posts to see you through to May 25th 2018. With holiday season fast approaching in many parts of the world, getting you

2 min IoT

[Free Tool] IoTSeeker: Find IoT Devices, Check for Default Passwords

So there's this Thing... We need to talk about Things, you and I. Specifically those connected Things. This isn't a weird breakup discussion regarding a relationship you didn't know we had (I hear that's called stalking actually, and is an altogether different type of problem). There may be Things on your network that are harbouring a security issue, and that's not a good place to be either. We can help you track them down (which does bear a slight resemblance to stalking, granted, but we're se

4 min Cloud Infrastructure

Overcome Nephophobia - Don't be a Shadow IT Ostrich!

Overcome Nephophobia - Don't be a Shadow IT Ostrich! Every cloud….. When I was much younger and we only had three TV channels, I used to know a lot of Names of Things. Lack of necessity and general old age has meant I've now long since forgotten most of them (but thanks to Google, my second brain, I can generally “remember” them! Dinosaurs, trees, wild flowers, and clouds were all amongst the subject matters in which my five-year-old self was a bit of an expert. I would point at the sky and wow

3 min Vulnerability Management

Warning: This blog post contains multiple hoorays! #sorrynotsorry

Hooray for crystalware! I hit a marketer's milestone on Thursday – my first official award ceremony, courtesy of the folks at Computing Security Awards [], which was held at The Cumberland Hotel in London. Staying out late on a school night when there's a 16 month old teething toddler in the house definitely took it's toll the following morning, but the tiredness was definitely softened by the sweet knowledge that we'd left the award ceremony brandishing so