Last updated at Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:07:05 GMT
Today, we relaunched the site. We hope you'll find it as awesome as we do. The new site not only has updated looks, we've also rewritten much of its content and put it on a shiny new server to make it faster.
We mainly focused on three aspects: learn, download & contribute:
Learn – Many Metasploit newbies told us they found it hard to get started with the Metasploit Framework, so we took a fresh look at our website to design it so that new Metasploit Framework users would find it easy to learn about penetration testing and take their first steps with the Metasploit Framework. Since the Metasploit Framework is supported by the community, the website often points users to valuable resources on the Web – created by you! We also provided better information on how to get support for the Metasploit Framework. We'll do more in the coming weeks to provide even more help – stay tuned.
Download – Not surprisingly, most people come to the Metasploit website to download the Metasploit Framework – that's over a million downloads each year. We made sure the downloads are now even easier to find and that you won't have any trouble understanding the different types of installers available to you. We also listed other related software on the site, such as free vulnerability scanner NeXpose Community Edition and the free web application scanner w3af as well as the commercial Metasploit Editions.
Contribute – The Metasploit Project has a huge following. We reorganized the site to make things easier to find, so you may now find resources you didn't know existed. We took a hard look at the old site and think that we've ported every important piece of information. In case we missed something, or if you would like us to add something to the page, please let us know.
We have also given Metasploit a new logo. It brings together the the offensive and defensive nature of the Metasploit Project. If you look closely, you'll not only see the blue shield but also the M-shaped helmet inside the shield; the blade-like look of the shield and the aggressive face-like features of the “M” represent a natural evolution of the “hacker face” that has been such a visual centerpiece of Metasploit over the years.