Last updated at Wed, 06 Dec 2017 00:21:08 GMT

Whether you're creating a security program on a budget or building a security operations center with cost-effectiveness in mind, we believe having the right people, processes, and tools—in that order—is essential to an effective security posture.

We’ve talked before about finding the right people and assembling your security team first is a smart move. Today, we want to talk about the “tools” part of the equation. Because once you have the right people and processes in place, you of course need to make sure they have the software and systems they need to get the job done.

The good news? There are more security tools on the market than ever before. The (kind of) bad news? The choices can be dizzying, and expenses can quickly add up.

Download now: Building a Powerful Cybersecurity Arsenal with Free and Open Source Tools

For smaller businesses and those who want to run lean, it can be strategic to use as many free and open source security tools as you can get your hands on. But you still need to choose the right ones.

To help you choose tools that are up to the task and play well together, our founder Jen Andre and security architect Jon Schipp -- two industry veterans -- recently put together a guide highlighting the best free and open source security tools on the market.

For a taste of what you can find in the guide, check out the infographic below. We expand on these topics and give you the information you need to develop your own ideal set of free and open source tools:

In the guide, you’ll also find advice on how to evaluate the costs of open source deployment (just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s free…), and some words of wisdom from the trenches that you can put to work as you go about building your organization’s unique security stack.

Ready to start building your powerful cybersecurity arsenal? Get the full guide!