Last updated at Wed, 03 Jan 2024 21:22:57 GMT

Rapid7 is excited to announce a new plugin between InsightConnect and Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams helps you collaborate, notify, and drive workflows across your organization, to:

  • Send Message
  • Send HTML Message
  • New Message Received
  • Add / Remove Users
  • Add / Remove Channels
  • Add / Remove Teams

What is InsightConnect?

InsightConnect is Rapid7’s security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) solution that is purpose-built to accelerate your teams and tools through automation. This SOAR tool helps accelerate and streamline time-intensive processes to free up your team to tackle other challenges. InsightConnect does this by connecting your tools so that each tool is used to its maximum potential, connecting the dots between them to better inform your security teams and enrich your data and security alerts. This leads to a major improvement in operational efficiency.

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Getting started with Microsoft Teams in InsightConnect

Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.

The Microsoft Teams plugin will allow you to send messages as text or HTML. This flexibility allows for simple message notifications or complex rich status reports. Microsoft Teams also allows you to kick off workflows on incoming messages. Using regular expression-matching on incoming messages gives you the flexibility to pick out important information from noisy channels.

The Microsoft Teams plugin also has administrative capabilities allowing you to build workflows to control your entire Teams environment. It will allow you to create teams, add channels, and manage the users in those teams.

Not an InsightConnect customer but want to get started with automation? Demo our SOAR tool today.

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