Last updated at Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:53:53 GMT

At Rapid7, we believe that by hiring a team with a strong diversity of mindset, different levels of experience, and varying backgrounds, we can #ChallengeConvention as #OneMoose, push the boundaries of our thinking, and pursue our goals of continuous innovation to achieve secure advancement for all. To move forward in building upon this initiative, we established our 18-month Rotation Program. In this program, we look to hire recent graduates who are ready to bring cutting-edge ideas, work with amazing teams, and develop as professionals. We refer to them as “Rotatoes.”

As part of the program, you will have the opportunity to work in three different areas of the business within a particular track (see Track Guidelines below) and receive support from the Program Manager, Ryann Kelley, through check-ins, regular 1:1s, and meetups with other Rotatoes. Through exposure to multiple facets of the business, you will gain a breadth of knowledge that will enable you to contribute to Rapid7 in a unique way.

In addition to the experience you’ll gain in your varying roles, you will be provided with the opportunity to get involved in the local community through volunteering and community engagement (see Continuous Learning and Community Engagement below). You can count on developing leadership skills, initiative, problem-solving skills, functional expertise, and the opportunity to identify your career goals and role focus. The best part? You’ll get to meet some fantastic people along the way.

Track guidelines

Which is the best fit for you?


The BUILD track is our Software Engineering track. As a BUILD Rotato, you'll learn how Rapid7 practices DevOps, including writing automation, securing our infrastructure, and monitoring our platform. You will gain real-life experience on a software development team while advancing your programming skills. Being a part of this program will allow you to gain the skills to become a professional software developer using the latest technology within the cybersecurity industry.

Alexa Stein joined the Rotation Program after graduating from Bentley University with a degree in Computer Information Systems.

“With the limited computer science professional experience I had, the BUILD track seemed like a perfect fit because it gave me the ability to learn from three different software teams before landing in my final place.” - Alexa Stein, BUILD 2019 Rotato Class

“The two skills I suggest to anyone aspiring to join the tech industry are aptitude and attitude.” - Alexa Stein


The Grow Track includes roles within our Go-To-Customer organization, including user experience, customer success, and demand generation. As part of the Grow track, you’ll learn the importance of customer advocacy at Rapid7 by working with these customer-facing teams. You will do this by conducting customer interviews and surveys to capture and analyze feedback, creating journey maps, mockups and prototypes for user interfaces. You’ll have the opportunity to lead projects, implement business processes, and build relationships with key stakeholders both internally and externally. A key component of the Grow track is analyzing customer data and being able to draw conclusions to then make recommendations to customers on their future investment decisions.

TJ Flaherty joined Rapid7 after interning within the Sales Operations team his junior year. Although he was an Accounting major, he knew he wanted to work with customers.

“This track allows you to gain exposure to R7’s customers from a wide range of perspectives, and that experience was exactly what I wanted to focus on.” - TJ Flaherty, GROW 2019 Rotato Class

“Flexibility has been the most important skill for me during this program. Be flexible with your approach to your projects, your time, and your expectations of each role.” - TJ Flaherty


The Run Track is where you’ll learn the operations of the business and its people. You will see the full scope of how the real estate and workplace experience team enhances employee engagement.You’ll gain an understanding of Finance’s role within the organization, specifically  how financial data is used to drive business strategy and influence decisions at all levels. Finally, you’ll see how Rapid7’s People Strategy team partners with leaders across the globe to strengthen Rapid7’s culture and ensure all employees have the tools to do their best work.  

Mounir Elhout chose the RUN Track because of the direct impact he was able to have on Rapid7’s employees.

“In this track, your customers are the employees. In order to be successful, you must have a deep understanding of the challenges employees face to then better enable them to create an unmatched experience for their customers.” - Mounir Elhout, RUN 2019 Rotato Class

“Have an insatiable desire to improve and seek out as much constructive feedback as possible. You should always be asking yourself, ‘How can I make this better?’” - Mounir Elhout

Continuous learning and community engagement

Impact more than just your career.

Community engagement with local STEM and diversity organizations is a key aspect of Rapid7’s Rotation Program; these programs support entrepreneurship and cybersecurity awareness. Rotatoes work with these organizations each month as part of the Rotation Program. In addition to this commitment, group programming is a requirement for success and for building relationships with the cohort and Rapid7 leaders. This includes trainings, guest speakers, and networking events.

“I had the amazing opportunity to help a local high school (Dearborn STEM) create a cybersecurity curriculum for the students enrolled in the computer science career pathways program, which was definitely a highlight of my time as a Rotato.” - Alexa Stein

Program timeline

Don’t miss out!

Rapid7 actively recruits on campuses for the next class of Rotatoes. See below for what you can expect for a recruiting timeline.

  • Fall Semester (September–December): Recruiting for BUILD Track
  • Spring Semester (January–April): Recruiting for GROW & RUN Tracks

Interested in participating in our Rotation Program? Keep an eye on our Careers Page for openings for our next class of Rotatoes!