Last updated at Fri, 12 May 2023 19:41:37 GMT

Welcome back to The Lost Bots, a vlog series where Rapid7 Detection and Response Practice Advisor Jeffrey Gardner talks all things security with fellow industry experts. In this third episode, Jeffrey is joined by Stephen Davis, a Technical Lead and Customer Advisor on Rapid7’s Managed Detection and Response team. Stephen shares a story about a phishing attack on an organization, possibly by an advanced persistent threat (APT) — insert spooky “dun dun dun” sound effect — through a malicious Excel document. Watch below to hear about how our MDR team caught this attack, lessons learned, and tips for how teams can stay ahead of these types of threats in their environment.

Stay tuned for future episodes of The Lost Bots! Coming soon: Jeffrey tackles deception technology — what it is, how you can use it, and why it matters.