Last updated at Fri, 31 May 2024 18:34:02 GMT

We are pleased to introduce Insight Agent support of ARM-based Windows 11 devices for both vulnerability and policy assessment within InsightVM. Customers with Windows 11 devices powered by ARM processors can now take advantage of the great performance and lower power requirements of these chips without sacrificing the agent-based visibility of their remote assets. This release coincides with enhanced vulnerability content for Windows 11 in InsightVM, providing customers with high-quality, accurate coverage. The full list of operating systems supported by the Insight Agent can be found in our documentation.

The latest generation of ARM64 chips promises excellent CPU performance and multi-day battery life on a single charge, making them more attractive than ever for enterprise and consumer devices, including laptops. As hardware and software vendors continue to bolster support for Windows on ARM, Rapid7 customers using or considering adoption of these devices can deploy the Insight Agent to Windows 11 devices immediately. The existing Windows (x64) installer – downloaded as ‘agentInstaller-x86_64.msi’ – can be used for installation, and the Insight Agent will automatically run in emulation mode. No other action is required, but do note that only InsightVM functionality is supported at this time.

You can find more information on how to download and install the Insight Agent in our Help Documentation and on the Agents page within the Insight Platform:

Customers can use the Agent Test Set feature to roll out newer versions of the Insight Agent on a select set of machines before deploying it widely.