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AI-TRiSM - Trust, Risk and Security Management in the Age of AI

Co-authored by Lara Sunday and Pojan Shahrivar

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies continue to advance and proliferate, organizations across industries are investing heavily in these transformative capabilities. According to Gartner, by 2027, spending on AI software will grow to $297.9 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 19.1%. Generative AI (GenAI) software spend will rise from 8% of AI software in 2023 to 35% by 2027.

With the promise of enhanced efficiency, personalization, and innovation, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud environments to develop and deploy these powerful AI and ML technologies. However, this rapid innovation also introduces new security risks and challenges that must be addressed proactively to protect valuable data, intellectual property, and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders.

Benefits of Cloud Environments for AI Development

Cloud platforms offer unparalleled scalability, allowing organizations to easily scale their computing resources up or down to meet the demanding requirements of training and deploying complex AI models.

"The ability to spin up and down resources on-demand has been a game-changer for our AI development efforts," says Stuart Millar, Principal AI Engineer at Rapid7. "We can quickly provision the necessary compute power during peak training periods, then scale back down to optimize costs when those resources are no longer needed."

Cloud environments also provide a cost-effective way to develop AI models, with usage-based pricing models that avoid large upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure. Additionally, major cloud providers offer access to cutting-edge AI hardware and pre-built tools and services, such as Amazon SageMaker, Azure Machine Learning, and Google Cloud AI Platform, which can accelerate development and deployment cycles.

Challenges and Risks of Cloud-Based AI Development

While the cloud offers numerous advantages for AI development, it also introduces unique challenges that organizations must navigate. Limited visibility into complex data flows and model updates can create blind spots for security teams, leaving them unable to effectively monitor for potential threats or anomalies.

In their  AI Threat Landscape Report, HiddenLayer highlighted that 98% of all the companies surveyed identified that elements of their AI models were crucial to their business success, and 77% identified breaches to their AI in the past year. Additionally, multi-cloud and hybrid deployments bring monitoring, governance, and reporting challenges, making it difficult to assess AI/ML risk in context across different cloud environments.

New Attack Vectors and Risk Types

Developing AI in the cloud also exposes organizations to new attack vectors and risk types that traditional security tools may not be equipped to detect or mitigate. Some examples include:

Prompt Injection (LLM01): Imagine a large language model used for generating marketing copy. An attacker could craft a special prompt that tricks the model into generating harmful or offensive content, damaging the company's brand and reputation.

Training Data Poisoning (LLM03, ML02): Adversaries can tamper with training data to compromise the integrity and reliability of cloud-based AI models. In the case of an AI model used for image recognition in a security surveillance system, poisoned training data containing mislabeled images could cause the model to generate incorrect classifications, potentially missing critical threats.

Model Theft (LLM10, ML05): Unauthorized access to proprietary AI models deployed in the cloud poses risks to intellectual property and competitive advantage. If a competitor were to steal a model trained on a company's sensitive data, they could potentially replicate its functionality and gain valuable insights.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities (LLM05, ML06): Compromised libraries, datasets, or services used in cloud AI development pipelines can lead to widespread security breaches. A malicious actor might introduce a vulnerability into a widely used open-source library for AI, which could then be exploited to gain access to AI models deployed by multiple organizations.

Developing Best Practices for Securing AI Development

To address these challenges and risks, organizations need to develop and implement best practices and standards tailored to their specific business needs, striking the right balance between enabling innovation and introducing risk.

While guidelines like NCSC Secure AI System Development and The Open Standard for Responsible AI provide a valuable starting point, organizations must also develop their own customized best practices that align with their unique business requirements, risk appetite, and AI/ML use cases. For instance, a financial institution developing AI models for fraud detection might prioritize best practices around data governance and model explainability to ensure compliance with regulations and maintain transparency in decision-making processes.

Key considerations when developing these best practices include:

Ensuring secure data handling and governance throughout the AI lifecycle

  • Implementing robust access controls and identity management for AI/ML resources
  • Validating and monitoring AI models for potential biases, vulnerabilities, or anomalies
  • Establishing incident response and remediation processes for AI-specific threats
  • Maintaining transparency and explainability to understand and audit AI model behavior

Rapid7's Approach to Securing AI Development

"At Rapid7, our InsightCloudSec solution offers real-time visibility into AI/ML resources running across major cloud providers, allowing security teams to continuously monitor for potential risks or misconfigurations," says Aniket Menon, VP, Product Management. "Visibility is the foundation for effective security in any environment, and that's especially true in the complex world of AI development. Without a clear view into your AI/ML assets and activities, you're essentially operating blind, leaving your organization vulnerable to a range of threats."

Here at Rapid7 our AI TRiSM (Trust, Risk, and Security Management) framework empowers our teams. The framework provides us with confidence not only in our operations but also in driving innovation. In their recent blog outlining the company’s AI principles, Laura Ellis and Sabeen Malik shared how Rapid7 tackles and addresses AI challenges. Centering on transparency, fairness, safety, security, privacy, and accountability, these principles are not just guidelines; they are integral to how Rapid7 builds, deploys, and manages AI systems.

Security and compliance are two key InsightCloudSec capabilities. Compliance Packs are out-of-the-box collections of related Insights focused on industry requirements and standards for all of your resources. Compliance packs may focus on security, costs, governance, or combinations of these across a variety of frameworks, e.g., HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, etc.

Last year Rapid7 launched the Rapid7 AI/ML Security Best Practices compliance pack, the pack allows for real-time and continuous visibility into AI/ML resources running across your clouds with support for GenAI services across AWS, Azure and GCP. To empower you to assess this data in the context of your organizational requirements and priorities, you can then automatically prioritize AI/ML-related risk with Layered Context based on exploitability and potential business impact.

You can also leverage Identity Analysis in InsightCloudSec to collect and present the actions executed by a given user or role within a certain time period. These logged actions are collected and analyzed, providing you with a view across your organization of who can access AI/ML resources and automatically rightsize in accordance with the least privilege access (LPA) concept. This enables you to strategically inform your policies moving forward. Native automation allows you to then act on your assessments to alert on compliance drift, remediate AI/ML risk, and enact prevention mechanisms.

Rapid7’s Continued Dedication to AI Innovation

As an inaugural signer of the CISA Secure by Design Pledge, and through our partnership with Queen's University Belfast Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT), Rapid7 remains dedicated to collaborating with industry leaders and academic institutions to stay ahead of emerging threats and develop cutting-edge solutions for securing AI development.

As the adoption of AI and ML capabilities continues to accelerate, it's imperative that organizations have the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and build with confidence. By implementing robust best practices and leveraging advanced security tools like InsightCloudSec, organizations can harness the power of AI while mitigating the associated risks and ensuring their valuable data and intellectual property remain protected.

To learn more about how Rapid7 can help your organization develop and implement best practices for securing AI development, visit our website to request a demo.

Gartner, Forecast Analysis: Artificial Intelligence Software, 2023-2027, Worldwide, Alys Woodward, et al, 07 November 2023