Last updated at Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:07:13 GMT

New module content (3)

Magento XXE Unserialize Arbitrary File Read

Authors: Heyder and Sergey Temnikov
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19304 contributed by heyder
Path: gather/magento_xxe_cve_2024_34102
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2024-34102

Description: This adds an auxiliary module for an XXE which results in an arbitrary file in Magento which is being tracked as CVE-2024-34102.

Ghostscript Command Execution via Format String

Authors: Christophe De La fuente and Thomas Rinsma
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #19313 contributed by cdelafuente-r7
Path: multi/fileformat/ghostscript_format_string_cve_2024_29510
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2024-29510

Description: This adds an exploit module targeting CVE-2024-29510, a format string vulnerability in Ghostscript versions before 10.03.1 to achieve a SAFER sandbox bypass and execute arbitrary commands.

Softing Secure Integration Server v1.22 Remote Code Execution

Authors: Chris Anastasio (muffin) of Incite Team, Imran E. Dawoodjee, and Steven Seeley (mr_me) of Incite Team
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #19084 contributed by ide0x90
Path: windows/http/softing_sis_rce
CVE reference: ZDI-22-1156

Description: This adds a module targeting CVE-2022-1373 and CVE-2022-2334 as an exploit chain against Softing Secure Integration Server 1.22.

Enhancements and features (2)

  • #19338 from adfoster-r7 - Improves error handling and progress tracking in the auxiliary/gather/kerberos_enumusers and gather/asrep modules.
  • #19340 from adfoster-r7 - Improve setg SessionLogging support to work with command shells, as well as allowing logging to be turned on/off at any point - not just for newly created sessions.


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