Last updated at Tue, 25 Mar 2025 20:54:06 GMT

SMB to LDAP Relay

This week, the Metasploit team have added an exciting relay module that has been in the works for a long time. This relay module is used to host an SMB server, and execute an SMB to LDAP relay attack against a Domain controller with an LDAP server when NTLMv1 is being used as the SMB authentication method. PetitPotam can be used to coerce authentication on the victim system and relay it to the Domain Controller.The module automatically takes care of removing the relevant flags to bypass signing.

This module supports the usage of SMBv2 and SMBv3, and captures NTLMv1 and NTLMv2 hashes which can be used for a pass-the-hash attack, or cracked locally to retrieve raw passwords.

When successful, this attack can also open a Metasploit Framework LDAP session. This session can then be leveraged to set up a Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD) on the Domain Controller to get remote code execution on the victim system.

New module content (1)

Microsoft Windows SMB to LDAP Relay

Authors: Christophe De La Fuente and Spencer McIntyre
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19832 contributed by cdelafuente-r7
Path: server/relay/smb_to_ldap

Description: Adds a module that runs an SMB capture server that relays the credentials to one or more LDAP servers, verifies the credentials, and can establish an LDAP session with the relayed authentication.

Bugs fixed (1)

  • #19960 from jheysel-r7 - This fix adds more reliable check method and takes into account the revision number when running the Windows Kernel Time of Check Time of Use LPE (CVE-2024-30038) module.


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