Posts tagged API

2 min Cloud Security

A Look at Our Development Process of the Cloud Resource Enrichment API

Rapid7 has developed a new Cloud Resource Enrichment API that streamlines data retrieval from various cloud resources.

6 min Vulnerability Disclosure

CVE-2023-35082 - MobileIron Core Unauthenticated API Access Vulnerability

Rapid7 discovered a new vulnerability that allows unauthenticated attackers to access the API in unsupported versions of MobileIron Core (11.2 and below).

6 min Application Security

OWASP TOP 10 API Security Risks: 2023

The OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks is a list of the highest priority API based threats in 2023. In this blog, we detail each item on the list.

4 min Application Security

API Security: Best Practices for a Changing Attack Surface

APIs have become a large part of the application attack surface, making API security a critical consideration.

11 min Application Security

XSS in JSON: Old-School Attacks for Modern Applications

This post highlights how cross-site scripting has adapted to today’s modern web applications, specifically the API and Javascript Object Notation (JSON).

10 min Detection and Response

Unlocking the Power of the InsightIDR Threat API, Part 2

In this post, we’ll demonstrate how to scrape a few sites for possible bad actors using InsightIDR.

13 min InsightIDR

Import External Threat Intelligence with the InsightIDR Threats API

In this blog, we explain how to automate updating threat feeds in InsightIDR using the REST API.

5 min InsightAppSec

New Features: Rapid7 Launches Public API For InsightAppSec

Rapid7 is pleased to announce the newest addition to your application security toolkit on the Rapid7 Insight platform: the public API in our DAST solution, InsightAppSec.

7 min API

Your Guide to InsightVM’s RESTful API

A Security Automation-Focused API for Forward-Thinking Vulnerability Management Released in January of 2018, Rapid7 InsightVM []’s API version 3—the RESTful API [/2018/01/18/a-restful-api-for-insightvm/]—was a highly anticipated, perhaps somewhat inconspicuous, addition to our vulnerability management solution []. Introduced as a successor to previous API versions, the RESTful API was designed for

4 min InsightVM

A RESTful API for InsightVM

With 2017 firmly in the rear-view mirror, we peer forward into 2018 and thanks to genre-bending vulnerabilities like Meltdown and Spectre [/2018/01/04/meltdown-and-spectre-what-you-need-to-know-cve-2017-5715-cve-2017-5753-cve-2017-5754/] the future would seem a bit blurry. Louis Pasteur [] is attributed with the quote: “Chance favors the prepared mind.” Pasteur’s work precedes information security as we know it today by a century, but as an an individu

6 min API

AppSpider's Got Swagger: The first end-to-end security testing for REST APIs

We are thrilled to announce a major new innovation in application security testing. AppSpider is the first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) solution capable of testing Swagger-enabled APIs. Swagger is one of the most popular frameworks for building APIs and the ability to test Swagger-enabled APIs is not only a huge time savings for application security testing experts, but also enables Rapid7 customers to more rapidly reduce risk. Why does this matter? Modern applications make liber

2 min Nexpose

Nexpose API: SiteSaveRequest and IP Addresses vs Host Names

With the release of Nexpose 5.11.1 [] we made some changes under the hood that improved scan performance and scan integration performance. As a result of those changes, the rules applied to using SiteSaveRequest in API 1.1 became stricter, which may have caused issues for some users. In the past this "worked" for the most part, though there were certainly side effects observable in the Web interface after the fact. Since these issues were not a

2 min Nexpose

Site Consolidation with the Nexpose Gem

The introduction of the scan export/import feature opens up the ability to merge sites, at least through the Ruby gem. Imagine a scenario where you had split up your assets into several sites, but now you realize it would be easier to manage them if you just merge them into one. Maybe you have duplicate assets across sites and that wasn't your intent. The script below allows you to merge multiple sites into one. I replays the scans from each site into the new one (in just a fraction of the amou

2 min API

Scan Export/Import Using the nexpose-client Gem

The latest release (5.10.13) introduces a new feature into Nexpose, scan exporting and importing. We're looking to address a need in air-gap environments, where customers can have multiple consoles to address network partitioning. This approach is not without its warts. For example, if you have deleted assets from a site, this process will bring them back to life. This post is going to walk through a pair of Ruby scripts using the nexpose-client gem. The first script will export the site config

5 min API

Working with reports and exports via the RPC API

The Metasploit RPC API provides a straightforward, programmatic way to accomplish basic tasks with your Metasploit Pro instance. Two of the key capabilities are export generation to backup your data and report generation to summarize and share your findings. The RPC API docs are currently undergoing a major overhaul and are a bit out of date for reports and export generation. This post will provide all the examples and configuration options you need to get running. Setting up a client to make t