5 min
2022 Annual Metasploit Wrap-Up
It's been another gangbusters year for Metasploit, and the holidays are a time
to give thanks to all the people that help make our load a little bit lighter.
So, while this end-of-year wrap-up is a highlight reel of the headline features
and extensions that landed in Metasploit-land in 2022, we also want to express
our gratitude and appreciation for our stellar community of contributors,
maintainers, and users. The Metasploit team merged 824 pull requests across
Metasploit-related projects in 20
3 min
HaXmas Hardware Hacking
This HaXmas, I decided to dig around a little in Rapid7's library of IoT investigations that never really went anywhere, just to see which tools were used.
3 min
Metasploit 2020 Wrap-Up
2020 was certainly an interesting year - let’s take a look at what it meant for Metasploit.
4 min
Rapid7 Labs’ 2020 Naughty List Summary Report to Santa
Your dutiful elves here at Rapid7 Labs have compiled a list of the naughty country networks being used to launch cyberattacks across the globe.
8 min
Metasploit Tips and Tricks for HaXmas 2020
For this year's HaXmas, we're giving the gift of Metasploit knowledge!
5 min
Security Strategy
UPnP With a Holiday Cheer
For today’s discussion, this blog post will only cover the port forwarding services and will also share a Python script you can use to start examining this service.
1 min
Happy HaXmas from the Rapid7 Team!
This year's been a weird one, but we're thrilled that we’re able to keep up our favorite holiday tradition of our annual HaXmas blog series.
9 min
Oh, Behave! Who Made It to Rapid7 Labs' Naughty List(s) in 2019?
The Labs team thought it might be fun to give folks a glimpse into who made it to some of our naughtiest lists in 2019 based on insights gleaned through our research projects.
9 min
Memorable Metasploit Moments of 2019
Here’s a smattering of the year’s Metasploit Framework highlights from 2019. As ever, we’re grateful to and for the community that keeps us going strong.
6 min
Memory Laundering: Is Cleaner Better?
In this HaXmas blog, we discuss how to bypass SELinux's commonly-applied `execmem` permission.
3 min
The Importance of Updating and Patching Your New Electronic Presents
Regardless of the type of device under your tree, here are some quick and easy things to look for and change to help better secure your holiday gifts.
6 min
Happy HaXmas! Year-End Internet Scanning Observations
As we wrap up 2018 and forge ahead into 2019, let's reflect on some of the key observations we made through our internet scanning with Project Sonar.
7 min
Santa's ELFs: Running Linux Executables Without execve
Santa's ELFs do not get a post-holiday break, since the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) is the base of numerous Unix-like operating systems.
25 min
The Ghost of Exploits Past: A Deep Dive into the Morris Worm
In this post, we will dive into the exploit development process for the three modules we created in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Morris worm.
5 min
HaXmas Review: 12 Patch Tuesdays a-Patching
Another year, another 701 patched Microsoft vulnerabilities: just a 2% increase from 2017's count of 686.