Posts tagged Labs

2 min Ransomware

Rapid7’s Ransomware Radar Report Shows Threat Actors are Evolving …Fast.

The Ransomware Radar Report offers some startling insights into who ransomware threat actors are and how they’ve been operating in the first half of 2024.

2 min Research

Defending Against APTs: A Learning Exercise with Kimsuky

The latest research paper coming out of Rapid7 Labs examines the tactics of North Korea’s Kimsuky threat group.

4 min InsightCloudSec

What’s New in Rapid7 Products & Services: Q2 2024 in Review

In Q2, we focused on enhancing visualization, prioritization, and integration capabilities across our key products and services.

4 min News

State-Sponsored Threat Actors Target Security Researchers

On Monday, Google’s Threat Analysis Group published a blog on a widespread social engineering campaign that targeted security researchers working on vulnerability research and development.

5 min Research

DOUBLEPULSAR over RDP: Baselining Badness on the Internet

How many internet-accessible RDP services have the DOPU implant installed? How much DOPU-over-RDP traffic do we see being sprayed across the internet?

12 min Labs

How I Shut Down a (Test) Factory with a Single Layer 2 Packet

In this blog, we discuss how a Denial of Service (DoS) bug could crash all Beckhoff PLCs running the Profinet protocol stack if an attacker gains access.

5 min Vulnerability Management

Drupalgeddon Vulnerability: What is it? Are You Impacted?

First up: many thanks to Brent Cook [/author/brent-cook/], William Vu [/author/william-vu/] and Matt Hand for their massive assistance in both the Rapid7 research into “Drupalgeddon” and their contributions to this post. Background on the Drupalgeddon vulnerability The Drupalgeddon 2 vulnerability announcement came out in late March (2018-03-28 ) as SA-CORE-2018-002 []. The advisory was released with a patch and CVE (CVE-2018-7600) [

4 min Honeypots

Apache Struts Vulnerability (CVE-2017-5638) Exploit Traffic

UPDATE - March 10th, 2017: Rapid7 added a check that works in conjunction with Nexpose's web spider functionality. This check will be performed against any URIs discovered with the suffix “.action” (the default configuration for Apache Struts apps). To learn more about using this check, read this post [] . UPDATE - March 9th, 2017: Scan your network for this vulnerability [https://

8 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: A HaxMas Carol

(A Story by Rapid7 Labs) Merry HaXmas to you! Each year we mark the 12 Days of HaXmas [] with 12 blog posts on hacking-related topics and roundups from the year. This year, we're highlighting some of the “gifts” we want to give back to the community. And while these gifts may not come wrapped with a bow, we hope you enjoy them. Happy Holi-data from Rapid7 Labs! It's been a big year for the Rapid7 elves Labs team. Our nigh 200-node strong Heisenberg Cloud

3 min Project Sonar

The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges -- Final Take?

In early 2015, HD Moore performed one of the first publicly accessible research related to Internet-connected gas station tank gauges, The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges [/2015/01/22/the-internet-of-gas-station-tank-gauges]. Later that same year, I did a follow-up study that probed a little deeper in The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges — Take #2 [/2015/11/18/the-internet-of-gas-station-tank-gauges-take-2]. As part of that study, we were attempting to see if the exposure of these devic

9 min Project Sonar

Project Sonar Study of LDAP on the Internet

The topic of today's post is a Rapid7 Project Sonar [] study of publicly accessible LDAP services on the Internet. This research effort was started in July of this year and various portions of it continue today.  In light of the Shadowserver Foundations's recent announcement [] regarding the availability relevant reports we thought it would be a good time to make some of our results public. The study was originally intended to be a

6 min Project Sonar

Digging for Clam[AV]s with Project Sonar

A little over a week ago some keen-eyed folks discovered a feature/configuration weakness [] in the popular ClamAV malware scanner that makes it possible to issue administrative commands such as SCAN or SHUTDOWN remotely—and without authentication—if the daemon happens to be running on an accessible TCP port. Shortly thereafter, Robert Graham unholstered his masscan [] tool and did a s ummary blog post [http://bl

5 min Project Sonar

Rapid7 Labs' Project Sonar - Nexpose Integration

With the release of Nexpose 5.17, customers were enabled to easily gain an outsider's view of their internet-facing assets.  This capability was made possible through integration with Rapid7 Labs' Project Sonar [/2013/09/26/welcome-to-project-sonar]. What is Project Sonar? Project Sonar is a community effort to improve security through the active analysis of public networks. This includes running scans across public internet-facing systems, organizing the results, and sharing the data with the

2 min AWS

The real challenge behind asset inventory

As the IT landscape evolves, and as companies diversify the assets they bring to their networks - including on premise, cloud and personal assets - one of the biggest challenges becomes maintaining an accurate picture of which assets are present on your network. Furthermore, while the accurate picture is the end goal, the real challenge becomes optimizing the means to obtain and maintain that picture current. The traditional discovery paradigm of continuous discovery sweeps of your whole network

3 min Metasploit

12 Days of HaXmas: Metasploit, Nexpose, Sonar, and Recog

This post is the tenth in a series, 12 Days of HaXmas, where we take a look at some of more notable advancements and events in the Metasploit Framework over the course of 2014. The Metasploit Framework [] uses operating system and service fingerprints for automatic target selection and asset identification. This blog post describes a major overhaul of the fingerprinting backend within Metasploit and how you can extend it by submitting new fingerprints. Histo