Posts tagged Malware

9 min Malware

Malware Campaign Lures Users With Fake W2 Form

Rapid7 has recently observed an ongoing campaign targeting users searching for W2 forms using the Microsoft search engine Bing.

15 min Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Ongoing Malvertising Campaign Leads to Ransomware

Rapid7 has observed an ongoing campaign to distribute trojanized installers for WinSCP and PuTTY via malicious ads on commonly used search engines, where clicking on the ad leads to typo squatted domains.

7 min Research

Stories from the SOC Part 2: MSIX Installer Utilizes Telegram Bot to Execute IDAT Loader

In part one of our blog series, we discussed how a Rust based application was used to download and execute the IDAT Loader. In part two of this series, we will be providing analysis of how an MSIX installer led to the download and execution of the IDAT Loader.

10 min Malware

Stories from the SOC Part 1: IDAT Loader to BruteRatel

Rapid7’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team continuously monitors our customers' environments, identifying emerging threats and developing new detections.

7 min Velociraptor

How To Hunt For UEFI Malware Using Velociraptor

UEFI threats have historically been limited in number and mostly implemented by nation state actors as stealthy persistence. However, the recent proliferation of Black Lotus on the dark web, Trickbot enumeration module (late 2022), and Glupteba (November 2023) indicates that this historical trend may be changing. With this context, it is becoming important for security practitioners to understand visibility and collection capabilities for UEFI threats [

3 min Threat Intel

Network Access for Sale: Protect Your Organization Against This Growing Threat

Vulnerable network access points are a potential gold mine for threat actors. We look at the techniques they use and best practices for prevention.

12 min Malware

Infostealer Malware Masquerades as Windows Application

Rapid7's Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team recently identified a malware campaign whose payload installs itself as a Windows application.

5 min News

Update on SolarWinds Supply-Chain Attack: SUNSPOT, SUNSHUTTLE and New Malware Family Associations

New research has been published that expands the security community’s understanding of the breadth and depth of the SolarWinds attack.

3 min Malware

The BadRabbit Ransomware Attack: What You Need To Know

What’s Up? Rapid7 has been tracking reports of an expanding ransomware campaign dubbed BadRabbit. Russian news outlets and other organizations across Europe have reported being victims of this malware and the “outbreak” is continuing to spread. The BadRabbit attackers appear to have learned some lessons from previous outbreaks earlier this year and have both limited the external spreading capabilities of the ransomware as well as made the payments a bit harder for researchers, responders and au

6 min Malware

The CIS Critical Controls Explained- Control 8: Malware Defenses

This is a continuation of our CIS critical security controls [/2017/04/19/the-cis-critical-security-controls-series] blog series. Workstations form the biggest threat surface in any organization. The CIS Critical Security Controls [] include workstation and user-focused endpoint security in several of the controls, but Control 8 (Malware Defenses) is the only control to strictly focus on antivirus and malware across the organiza

3 min Incident Detection

Introspective Intelligence: Understanding Detection Techniques

To provide insight into the methods devised by Rapid7, we'll need to revisit the detection methods implemented across InfoSec products and services and how we apply data differently. Rapid7 gathers volumes of threat intelligence on a daily basis - from new penetration testing tools, tactics, and procedures in Metasploit, vulnerability detections in Nexpose, and user behavior anomalies in InsightIDR. By continuously generating, refining and applying threat intelligence, we enable more robust dete

3 min Malware

Malware and Advanced Threat Protection: A User-Host-Process Model

In today's big data and data science age, you need to think outside the box when it comes to malware and advanced threat protection. For the Analytic Response team at our 24/7 SOC in Alexandria, VA, we use three levels of user behavior analytics to identify and respond to threats. The model is defined as User-Host-Process, or UHP. Using this model and its supporting datasets allows our team to quickly neutralize and protect against advanced threats with a high confidence rate. What is the User-

3 min Malware

Ransomware FAQ: Avoiding the latest trend in malware

Recently, a number of Rapid7's customers have been evaluating the risks posed by the swift rise of ransomware as an attack vector. Today, I'd like to address some of the more common concerns. What is Ransomware? Cryptowall [] and Cryptolocker [] are among of the best known ransomware criminal malware packages today. In most cases, users are afflicted by ransomware by clicking on a phishing link o

2 min Malware

What exactly is Duqu 2.0?

Overview: Duqu, a very complex and modular malware platform thought to have gone dark in late 2012, has made its appearance within the environment of Kaspersky Labs. [] Dubbed “Duqu 2.0” by Kaspersky, the level of complexity found within the malware represents a high level of sophistication, skill, funding and motivation seen by nation-sponsored actors. Infections related to this malware have reveale

9 min Malware

ByeBye Shell and the targeting of Pakistan

Asia and South Asia are a theater for daily attacks and numerous ongoing espionage campaigns between neighboring countries, so many campaigns that it's hard to keep count. Recently I stumbled on yet another one, which appears to have been active since at least the beginning of the year, and seems mostly directed at Pakistani targets. In this article we're going to analyze the nature of the attacks, the functionality of the backdoor - here labelled as ByeBye Shell - and the quick interaction I h