Posts tagged Security Automation

1 min Events

Takeaways From The Take Command Summit: Unlocking ROI in Security

Rapid7 CMO Cindy Stanton hosted a discussions with Cindy Stanton, Byron Anderson and Gaël Frouin to talk strategies for measuring team performance at Rapid7’s recent Take Command summit.

4 min InsightConnect

Why Our Future in InfoSec Depends on Automation

In this blog, we discuss why our future in Information Security depends on automation.

3 min InsightConnect

How SMBs Can Decrease Vulnerabilities and Incident Response Time with Automation

In this blog, we discuss how Security Automation can free up time and resources for people to do more valuable, creative work.

2 min Automation and Orchestration

Why Security Teams Should Embrace (Not Fear) Automation

It’s not the coming of the apocalypse. It’s not the end of the security profession. And it’s certainly not a bad thing. We’re talking about the rise of automation. As security threats become a bigger part of the day-to-day concerns at all types of organizations, bringing in machines has become necessary to keep up. In fact, security automation can help you become even more valuable as an employee. Being at the heart of the security orchestration and automation [

4 min Automation and Orchestration

What is Security Automation?

Security has always been a numbers game. Time to detection and time to response have been metrics security teams have sought to reduce since the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of computers…). But what does it take to actually reduce that number? If you’re reading this, we’re guessing you’re no stranger to the challenges in the world of security today. Between the security talent gap [