Rapid7 Strengthens Local School System Against Cyber Threats and Breaches

Public School District


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About Public School District

The Challenge

A large public school district in the United States faced a critical challenge when it experienced a ransomware attack that ultimately revealed gaps in their cybersecurity defenses. Despite the swift actions taken by their technology team to stop the attack and notify authorities, the breach highlighted the school district’s lack of real-time threat detection and response capabilities.

Ransomware Attack

The ransomware, which encrypts files and disrupts access until a ransom is paid, posed a significant threat to the school district’s IT infrastructure. The ransomware attack underscored the school district’s urgent need for a managed service provider capable of delivering a comprehensive, tailored security solution to address both immediate and longterm cybersecurity challenges. The breach also emphasized the school district’s need to adhere to strict data protection regulations and compliance requirements, given the sensitive nature of the information they manage.

Lack of SIEM and Cybersecurity Staffing

Prior to partnering with Rapid7, the school district did not have a comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool. The absence of proactive monitoring and threat detection left them vulnerable to extended security risks. Their IT team, primarily focused on educational support rather than cybersecurity, lacked the resources and expertise necessary to handle such sophisticated threats effectively.

Budget Constraints

As a public school district, they faced strict budget limitations, requiring a security solution that was both effective and affordable. The challenge was to enhance their cybersecurity without exceeding financial constraints, making it vital to partner with a managed service provider that could deliver robust, scalable protection within their limited budget.

The Solution

Implementation of Rapid7's Managed Threat Complete (MTC) Package

Rapid7 became a key partner for the public school district in addressing their cybersecurity needs post-breach. Their Managed Threat Complete (MTC) package provided a comprehensive solution that integrated both managed SIEM and Vulnerability Management (InsightVM). By choosing Rapid7’s MTC package, the school district effectively addressed their immediate cybersecurity challenges and positioned themselves for continued growth and resilience in protecting their educational community’s digital assets.

The MTC package offered continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection with unlimited vulnerability management, avoiding the additional costs often associated with competitors—an important factor given the school district’s budget constraints.

Following implementation, Rapid7 ensured a smooth onboarding process that enabled the school district to quickly deploy and optimize the solution with minimal disruption. Rapid7’s team provides the school district’s IT team with ongoing support, through monthly meetings that include regular insights and strategic recommendations. This personalized engagement has not only bolstered their trust in Rapid7’s solutions but also led to the renewal and expansion of their engagement.

Rapid7’s flexibility and dedication to customer success were evident in their tailored approach, covering both server environments and the extensive network of students and faculty. This comprehensive and cost-effective solution has not only met the district’s current needs but also set the foundation for long-term security and stability, ensuring that the district remains well protected as they advance in their educational mission.

The Results

Enhanced Cybersecurity Posture

Since adopting Rapid7’s MTC package, the school district has experienced substantial improvements in their cybersecurity stance. They now benefit from regular monitoring and management of their IT environment, ensuring proactive threat detection and response.

Continuous Growth and Advancement

The ongoing support provided by Rapid7’s team has further enhanced the school district’s confidence and trust in the solution, which has led to a recent renewal of their contract and an expansion of coverage with an increased asset count in their deployment. This move not only addresses immediate security needs but also positions the school district for future growth and adaptation to evolving security challenges.

By partnering with Rapid7 and implementing the Managed Threat Complete package, the school district has transformed its cybersecurity posture, gaining proactive threat detection and vulnerability management tailored to its needs. With ongoing support and a cost-effective solution that adapts to their growing demands, the district is now better positioned to protect sensitive data and ensure educational continuity. As they continue to navigate evolving cybersecurity challenges, Rapid7 is here for that.