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AVideo WWBNIndex Plugin Unauthenticated RCE

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AVideo WWBNIndex Plugin Unauthenticated RCE



This module exploits an unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the WWBNIndex plugin of the AVideo platform. The vulnerability exists within the `submitIndex.php` file, where user-supplied input is passed directly to the `require()` function without proper sanitization. By exploiting this, an attacker can leverage the PHP filter chaining technique to execute arbitrary PHP code on the server. This allows for the execution of commands and control over the affected system. The exploit is particularly dangerous because it does not require authentication, making it possible for any remote attacker to exploit this vulnerability.


  • Valentin Lobstein




php, cmd


Module Options

To display the available options, load the module within the Metasploit console and run the commands 'show options' or 'show advanced':

msf > use exploit/multi/http/avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce
msf exploit(avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce) > show targets
msf exploit(avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce) > set TARGET < target-id >
msf exploit(avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce) > show options
    ...show and set options...
msf exploit(avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce) > exploit

Time is precious, so I don’t want to do something manually that I can automate. Leveraging the Metasploit Framework when automating any task keeps us from having to re-create the wheel as we can use the existing libraries and focus our efforts where it matters.

– Jim O’Gorman | President, Offensive Security
