In its default configuration, this module creates a new network security context with the specified logon data (username, domain and password). Under the hood, Meterpreter's access token is cloned, and a new logon session is created and linked to that token. The token is then impersonated to acquire the new network security context. This module has no effect on local actions - only on remote ones (where the specified credential material will be used). This module does not validate the credentials specified.
To display the available options, load the module within the Metasploit console and run the commands 'show options' or 'show advanced':
Time is precious, so I don’t want to do something manually that I can automate. Leveraging the Metasploit Framework when automating any task keeps us from having to re-create the wheel as we can use the existing libraries and focus our efforts where it matters.
– Jim O’Gorman | President, Offensive Security