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FreeBSD: VID-FDC49972-3CA7-11EB-929D-D4C9EF517024 (CVE-2020-29361): p11-kit -- Multiple vulnerabilities

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FreeBSD: VID-FDC49972-3CA7-11EB-929D-D4C9EF517024 (CVE-2020-29361): p11-kit -- Multiple vulnerabilities



Details for this vulnerability have not been published by NIST at this point. Descriptions from software vendor advisories for this issue are provided below.

From VID-FDC49972-3CA7-11EB-929D-D4C9EF517024:

The p11-glue project reports:

CVE-2020-29363: Out-of-bounds write in

p11_rpc_buffer_get_byte_array_value functionA heap-based buffer

overflow has been discovered in the RPC protocol used by p11-kit

server/remote commands and the client library. When the remote

entity supplies a serialized byte array in a CK_ATTRIBUTE, the

receiving entity may not allocate sufficient length for the buffer

to store the deserialized value.

CVE-2020-29362: Out-of-bounds read in p11_rpc_buffer_get_byte_array

functionA heap-based buffer over-read has been discovered in

the RPC protocol used by thep11-kit server/remote commands and the

client library. When the remote entity supplies a byte array through

a serialized PKCS#11 function call, the receiving entity may allow

the reading of up to 4 bytes of memory past the heap


CVE-2020-29361: Integer overflow when allocating memory for arrays

of attributes and object identifiersMultiple integer overflows

have been discovered in the array allocations in the p11-kit library

and the p11-kit list command, where overflow checks are missing

before calling realloc or calloc.


  • freebsd-upgrade-package-p11-kit

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