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FreeBSD: VID-04422DF1-40D8-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64 (CVE-2022-3285): Gitlab -- Multiple vulnerabilities

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FreeBSD: VID-04422DF1-40D8-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64 (CVE-2022-3285): Gitlab -- Multiple vulnerabilities



Details for this vulnerability have not been published by NIST at this point. Descriptions from software vendor advisories for this issue are provided below.

From VID-04422DF1-40D8-11ED-9BE7-454B1DD82C64:

Gitlab reports:

Denial of Service via cloning an issue

Arbitrary PUT request as victim user through Sentry error list

Content injection via External Status Checks

Project maintainers can access Datadog API Key from logs

Unsafe serialization of Json data could lead to sensitive data leakage

Import bug allows importing of private local git repos

Maintainer can leak Github access tokens by changing integration URL (even after 15.2.1 patch)

Unauthorized users able to create issues in any project

Bypass group IP restriction on Dependency Proxy

Healthcheck endpoint allow list can be bypassed when accessed over HTTP in an HTTPS enabled system

Disclosure of Todo details to guest users

A user's primary email may be disclosed through group member events webhooks

Content manipulation due to branch/tag name confusion with the default branch name

Leakage of email addresses in WebHook logs

Specially crafted output makes job logs inaccessible

Enforce editing approval rules on project level


  • freebsd-upgrade-package-gitlab-ce

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