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RHSA-2016:0560: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Extended Life Cycle Support One-year Notice

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RHSA-2016:0560: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Extended Life Cycle Support One-year Notice



In accordance with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Errata Support Policy,Extended Life Cycle Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 will be retiredas of March 31, 2017, and active support will no longer be provided.Accordingly, Red Hat will no longer provide updated packages, includingCritical impact security patches or urgent priority bug fixes, for Red HatEnterprise Linux 4 ELS after March 31, 2017. In addition, on-goingtechnical support through Red Hat's Global Support Services will be limitedas described under "non-current minor releases" in the Knowledge Basearticle located at https://access.redhat.com/articles/64664 afterthis date.We encourage customers to migrate from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 to a morerecent version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As a benefit of the Red Hatsubscription model, customers can use their active subscriptions to entitleany system on any currently supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux release.Details of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux life cycle can be found here:https://access.redhat.com/site/support/policy/updates/errata/


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