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RHSA-2016:0561: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 One-Year Retirement Notice

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RHSA-2016:0561: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 One-Year Retirement Notice



In accordance with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Errata Support Policy,support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will be retired on March 31, 2017,at the end of Production Phase 3. Until that date, customers will continueto receive Critical impact security patches and selected urgent prioritybug fixes for RHEL 5.11 (the final RHEL 5 release). On that date, activesupport included with your RHEL Premium or Standard subscription willconclude. This means that customers will continue to have access to allpreviously released (RHEL 4, RHEL 5, etc.) content. In addition, limitedtechnical support will be available through Red Hat's Global SupportServices as described in the Knowledge Base article available athttps://access.redhat.com/articles/64664 (search for "non-current minorrelease").However, we recognize that some customers will wish to remain on Red HatEnterprise Linux 5 even after the March 31, 2017 retirement date. To meetthis customer requirement, Red Hat will offer customers the option topurchase the Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) Add-On as an annuallyrenewable subscription. This ELS Add-On provides customers with up to anadditional three and a half (3.5) years of Critical impact security fixesand selected urgent priority bug fixes for RHEL 5.11. RHEL 5 ELS coveragewill conclude on November 30, 2020.Note that the RHEL 5 ELS Add-On is available for the x86 (32- and 64-bit)architecture only. The RHEL 5 ELS Add-On is not available for the Itaniumarchitecture.To take advantage of a more comprehensive product support, we encouragecustomers to migrate from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 to a more recentversion. As a benefit of the Red Hat subscription, customers may use theiractive subscriptions to entitle any system on any currently supported RedHat Enterprise Linux release.Details of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux life cycle can be found here:https://access.redhat.com/site/support/policy/updates/errata/


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