Rapid7 XDR vs. Competitors

Why organizations choose us

  • More Complete Coverage of Modern Enviroments
    360° attack surface visibility and earlier detection
  • Unmatched Expertly Curated Detections Library
    Proprietary, highly correlated intelligence and analytics
  • Accelerated Response with Automation and Playbooks
    The right resources to respond quickly and confidently

It's Not Even Close

Expanded visibility Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

Cloud-Native, Lightweight SaaS deployment - Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

Native defense in depth Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

13 months of log retention - Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

Strong signal-to-noise - Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

Expert Response Playbooks & SOAR - Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 

Managed Service Availability - Read More

Rapid7 XDR 
EPP-based XDR Competitors 


3 reasons security teams trust Rapid7 XDR


  1. Time-to-Value

    Quality, speed, or cost: why pick two when you can have all three with Rapid7 XDR? Detection and response can be completed, with Rapid7 XDR analysts at any level can proactively thwart threats. Deployment, analytics, detection, investigation and response have an emphasis on efficiency at every level. Customer unlock accessible, sophisticated detection and response outcomes with InsightIDR.
  2. Rapid7 Threat Engine

    Rapid7 has an unrivaled, robust detections library that you can trust out of the box. It’s the product of meticulous research, our vast open source community, security forums, and our own expertise. The library is curated and continuously updated by our Threat Intelligence and Detection Engineering (TIDE) team, with everything vetted by the Rapid7 MDR SOC.
  3. Native Cloud D&R

    A cloud attack doesn’t happen solely in the cloud nor is it contained in the cloud. Security teams need visibility at every step of an attack to understand where the threat originated, what moves the attacker has made, and what moves are likely next. Rapid7 XDR provides the native breadth, correlation and context with expert guidance on next steps so that teams can confidently respond to threats across the entirety of their modern environment.