Posts by Deral Heiland

6 min IoT

Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DefCon 29 IoT Village, Part 3

The goal in this next phase of the IoT hacking exercise is to turn the console back on.

6 min Research

Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DefCon IoT Village, Part 2

In part 2 of our series on Rapid7's IoT hacking exercise from DefCon 29, we look at how to determine whether the header we created is UART.

4 min Research

Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DefCon IoT Village, Part 1

At this year's DefCon IoT Village, Rapid7 ran a hands-on hardware hacking exercise that exposed attendees to concepts and methods for IoT hacking.

5 min Security Strategy

UPnP With a Holiday Cheer

For today’s discussion, this blog post will only cover the port forwarding services and will also share a Python script you can use to start examining this service.

7 min Research

Building a Printed Circuit Board Probe Testing Jig

In this blog, we discuss how to build a printed circuit board (PCB) probe testing jig.

3 min IoT

IoT Security and Risk: What Is It, Where Is It Heading, and How Do We Embrace It?

In this blog, we discuss what security professionals should be doing to secure their IoT devices and where companies often go wrong with IoT security.

4 min Research

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers’ Onboard Flash Memory, Part 4

In our fourth and final part of this ongoing series, we will conduct further firmware extraction exercises with the Texas Instruments RF microcontroller.

4 min IoT

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 3: Microchip PIC Microcontrollers

In this blog, we will conduct another firmware extraction exercise dealing with the Microchip PIC microcontroller (PIC32MX695F512H).

3 min IoT

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 2: Nordic RF Microcontrollers

In this blog, we will conduct another firmware extraction exercise dealing with the Nordic RF microcontroller (nRF51822).

3 min Research

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 1: Atmel Microcontrollers

As part of our ongoing discussion of hardware hacking for security professionals, this blog covers the Amtel Atmega2561 microcontroller.

6 min IoT

[IoT Security] Introduction to Embedded Hardware Hacking

Many security professionals and researchers are intrigued by the idea of opening up and exploring embedded technologies but aren’t sure where to start.

4 min Haxmas

Once a Haxer, Always a Haxor

Like most hackers, I liked to take apart my holiday gifts as a kid. In this blog, I take apart Amazon's voice-controlled microwave oven to see how it works.

4 min IoT

Lessons and Takeaways from CTIA’s Recently Released IoT Security Certification Program

The CTIA recently announced a new cybersecurity certification program for cellular- and Wi-Fi-connected IoT devices. Here is my high-level overview of this program.

5 min IoT

Security Impact of Easily Accessible UART on IoT Technology

When it comes to securing IoT devices, it’s important to know that Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) ports are often the keys to the kingdom for device analysis when you have physical access. For example, as part of ongoing security research and testing projects on embedded technology we own, I have opened up a number of devices and discovered a majority of them having UART enabled. Those with UART enabled have—in every case—provided a path to full root access and allowed me to

3 min IoT

ROCA: Vulnerable RSA Key Generation

In the KRACK-related and BadRabbit-related chaos of the past week and a half, some people missed a less flashy vulnerability that nevertheless dug up key long-term questions on IoT supply chains and embedded technology. The Czech-based Center for Research on Cryptography and Security published research last weekon a vulnerability (CVE-2017-15361) in the RSA key generation process in a widely-used cryptographic software library found in Infineon secure chips. Specifically: “The algorithmic vulne