Posts by Greg Wiseman

4 min InsightVM

InsightVM Scan Diagnostics: Troubleshooting Credential Issues for Authenticated Scanning

Scan Diagnostics will report a “vulnerable” result against assets when the Scan Engine is supplied with credentials but unable to gather local information.

7 min Vulnerability Management

Patch Tuesday - October 2021

Today’s Patch Tuesday sees Microsoft issuing fixes [] for over 70 CVEs, affecting the usual mix of their product lines. From Windows, Edge, and Office, to Exchange, SharePoint, and Dynamics, there is plenty of patching to do for workstation and server administrators alike. One vulnerability has already been seen exploited in the wild: CVE-2021-40449 [] is an elev

7 min Vulnerability Management

Patch Tuesday - February 2021

The second Patch Tuesday of 2021 is relatively light on the vulnerability count, with 64 CVEs being addressed across the majority of Microsoft’s product families. Despite that, there’s still plenty to discuss this month. Vulnerability Breakdown by Software Family FamilyVulnerability CountWindows28ESU14Microsoft Office11Browser9Developer Tools 8Microsoft Dynamics2Exchange Server2Azure2System Center2Exploited and Publicly Disclosed Vulnerabilities One zero-day was announced: CVE-2021-1732 [https:

2 min Vulnerability Management

Patch Tuesday - May 2020

Microsoft's fifth Patch Tuesday [] of the year brings us fixes for 111 different security issues, just a touch under what we saw from them last month [/2020/04/14/patch-tuesday-april-2020/] but still on the higher side of their typical volume. No 0-days to speak of, and no vulnerabilities that had been publicly disclosed before today. The bulk of this month's fixes, as well as most of the critical ones, are fo

5 min Vulnerability Management

Reduce False Positive Vulnerabilities by Up To 22%

Today, we discuss how to measurably reduce false positive vulnerabilities so you can reallocate your team's time and resources.

3 min Vulnerability Management

Patch Tuesday - January 2020

The first Patch Tuesday of 2020 has been hotly anticipated due to a rumour [] that Microsoft would be fixing a severe vulnerability in a fundamental cryptographic library. It turns out that the issue in question is indeed serious, and was reported to Microsoft by the NSA: CVE-2020-0601 [] is a flaw in the way Windows validates Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) c

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - October 2019

This month's Patch Tuesday [] is mainly notable in that there isn't a whole lot to note, which is a change of pace. No 0-days, no vulnerabilities that had been publicly disclosed already, and nothing that could allow worms to proliferate. And nothing from Adobe []. Of course, that doesn't mean there's nothing to do: Microsoft still published 59 CVE

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - August 2019

First off, the big news for today's Patch Tuesday [] : Microsoft has fixed four new Remote Desktop Services (RDS) vulnerabilities, reminiscent of the BlueKeep [/2019/07/31/bluekeep-cve-2019-0708-for-windows-rdp-what-you-need-to-know/] vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708 [] ) that was patched last May. CVE-2019-11

3 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - March 2019

Today Microsoft released updates [] that resolve over 60 different vulnerabilities. As usual, Windows, web browsers, and SharePoint Server are all affected. Office gets off relatively lightly with only a single vulnerability fixed (CVE-2019-0748 [] , a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the Acces

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - February 2019

Microsoft got back in the swing of things today after a couple of relatively light months, with over 70 separate CVEs [] being addressed. The usual suspects got patches, including Windows, Office, Browsers (including Adobe Flash []), .NET Framework, SharePoint, Exchange, and another slew of JET Database Engi

5 min Haxmas

HaXmas Review: 12 Patch Tuesdays a-Patching

Another year, another 701 patched Microsoft vulnerabilities: just a 2% increase from 2017's count of 686.

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - October 2018

This month's patches from Microsoft include fixes for 50 distinct vulnerabilities.

3 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - September 2018

More than 60 vulnerabilities were addressed by this month's patches, including CVE-2018-15967 (a privilege escalation/information disclosure vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player).

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - August 2018

Microsoft's updates this month [] address over 60 vulnerabilities, 20 of which are classified as Critical. As usual, most of this month's fixes are browser-related, and nearly half of the flaws could lead to remote code execution (RCE). Patches for Exchange, SQL Server, and Microsoft Office were also released. Two of this month's vulnerabilities have already been seen exploited in th

2 min Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday - June 2018

This month's Patch Tuesday [] is rather run-of-the-mill, with a total of 50 vulnerabilities being addressed by Microsoft. However, a bit of excitement came earlier this month, with an out-of-band patch for Adobe Flash Player released last Thursday [] to fix four security issues. Two of these were flaws that can lead