Posts by Rapid7

4 min Automation and Orchestration

How to Install and Configure Bro on Ubuntu Linux

Synopsis Bro is a free open source Unix based network analysis framework started by Vern Paxson. Bro provides a comprehensive platform for collecting network measurements, conducting forensic investigations and traffic baselining. Bro comes with powerful analysis engine which makes it powerful intrusion detection system and network analysis framework. Bro comes with a powerful set of features, some of them are listed below: * Runs on commodity hardware and supports Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS.

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Information Security Risk Management - Introduction

Synopsis Information security risk management [] is a wide topic, with many notions, processes, and technologies that are often confused with each other. Very often technical solutions (cybersecurity products) are presented as “risk management” solutions without process-related context. Modern cybersecurity risk management [] is not possible without

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Information Security Risk Management - Tiered Approach of NIST SP 800-39

Synopsis Information security risk management [] is a wide topic, with many notions, processes, and technologies that are often confused with each other. In this series of articles, I explain notions and describe processes related to risk management. I also review NIST and ISO standards related to information security risk management. In theprevious article [/2017/07/09/information-security-risk-management-cycle-overview/

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Information Security Risk Management Cycle - Context Establishment Phase

Synopsis Information security risk management [] is a wide topic, with many notions, processes, and technologies that are often confused with each other. In this series of articles, I explain notions and describe processes related to risk management. I also review NIST and ISO standards related to information security risk management. In the previous article, I reviewed the tiered risk management approach described in NIS

5 min Automation and Orchestration

The Effective Components of Security Orchestration

It’s one thing to have a plan for security orchestration [], but it’s another to get it up and running and use it to its full potential. At this point, most security professionals know that security orchestration and automation [] are a “need to have,” not a “nice to have,” but to fully leverage security orchestration, there are a few considerations that will help yo

6 min InsightOps

What is BDD Testing: Practical Examples of Behavior Driven Development Testing

The Need for Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Testing Tools It should come as no surprise to learn that testing is at the heart of our engineers' daily activities. Testing is intrinsic to our development process, both in practical terms and in our thinking. Our engineers work with complex systems that are made up of complex components. Individual components may have many external dependencies. When testing, the scope of what is to be tested is important – it can be system wide, focused on a p

5 min InsightOps

5 Ways to Use Log Data to Analyze System Performance

Analyzing System Performance Using Log Data Recently we examined some of the most common behaviors that our community of 25,000 users looked for in their logs, with a particular focus on web server logs. In fact, our research identified the top 15 web server tags and alerts created by our customers—you can read more about these in our section—and you can also easily create tags or alerts based on the patterns to identify these behaviors in your sys

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Will Investing in Security Orchestration Make Your SIEM Obsolete?

As more companies continue to adopt security orchestration, many are now wondering if their security information and event management (SIEM) [] systems will soon become obsolete. Security teams use SIEMs to manage and correlate alerts from detection tools with other data and logs. While SIEMS help to corral alerts and log data, they often don’t do much in the way of reducing alerts or investigatory tasks after an alert comes in. Security teams have many

4 min DevOps

DevOps: Vagrant with AWS EC2 & Digital Ocean

The Benefits of Vagrant Plugins Following on from my recent DevOps blog posts, The DevOps Tools We Use & How We Use Them [] and Vagrant with Chef-Server [], we will take another step forward and look into provisioning our servers in the cloud. There are many cloud providers out there, most who provide some sort of APIs. Dealing with the different APIs

2 min InsightOps

How to Combine D3 with AngularJS

The Benefits and Challenges of D3 Angular Combination Today we'll be focusing on how to combine D3 with the AngularJS framework. As we all know, Angular and D3 frameworks are very popular, and once they work together they can be very powerful and helpful when creating dashboards. But, they can also be challenging and confusing especially when new to these frameworks. The right way to incorporate D3 with Angular is to use custom directives. Directives in Angular are essentially functions that ar

3 min Komand

Security Orchestration Myths: Have You Heard These?

For many companies, the concept of security orchestration is still relatively new. Security operations teams are scrambling to find a way to keep up with the troves of alerts, threats, and issues, and wondering if security orchestration is really going to solve it all. Naturally, we hear all sorts of misconceptions about security orchestration — some that couldn’t be further from the truth. In this post, we’ll lay to rest some well-worn myths so that you can separate signal from noise and decid

4 min Automation and Orchestration

ISO/IEC 27035-2 Review (cont.) - Incident Classification and Legal/Regulatory Aspects

Synopsis In the series of articles titled “Incident Response Life Cycle in NIST and ISO standards” I review incident response life cycle, as defined and described in NIST and ISO standards related to incident management. I introduced these standards in the first article in this series [/2017/01/11/introduction-to-incident-response-life-cycle-of-nist-sp-800-61/]. ISO/IEC 27035 is a multi-part standard. Its first part introduces incident management principles. Its second part, ISO/IEC 27035-2, g

3 min Komand

Announcing Chatbot Response Prompts

ChatOps [] is a big theme these days. IT operations, software engineers, security professionals, and many more utilize ChatOps as a popular way to collaborate with team members in real-time, and in one central location. Slack is often the app of choice for ChatOps; they have a robust API along with in-depth documentation [] on how to integrate with their product. They’ve also developed interactive features [

1 min Komand

EMEA Cybersecurity Event Calendars

For both professionals and those who are interested, attending events has become a part of the norm in the cybersecurity space. We've helped security professionals find events with both our U.S. and Asia cybersecurity event calendars, and now we're expanding to EMEA. If you want to gain valuable insight about the latest in cybersecurity outside the US, we’ve put together a list of events throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Don’t miss out! Below, we feature 5 events you should defin

4 min Log Management

What is Syslog?

This post has been written by Dr. Miao Wang, a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Performance Engineering Lab at University College Dublin. This post is the first in a multi-part series of posts on the many options for collecting and forwarding log data from different platforms and the pros and cons of each. In this first post we will focus on Syslog, and will provide background on the Syslog protocol. What is Syslog? Syslog has been around for a number of decades and provides a protocol used for