Posts by Ross Barrett

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November 2013 Patch Tuesday Summary

The November Patch Tuesday advisories are out, and across the board mixed feelings own the day. Relief and frustration must be present for Windows and Security administrators alike. Relief because for the first time in a few months, this is a relatively straightforward Patch Tuesday, with fixes for most Windows versions, the ever-present IE roll up patch (MS13-088), and some Office components, but nothing esoteric or difficult to patch.  No SharePoint plugins, no complicated .NET patching, no

2 min Internet Explorer

IE 0-day: exploit code is now widely available (CVE-2013-3893)

Any newly discovered Internet Explorer zero day vulnerability is bad for users. But once the exploit code gets around to public disclosure sites, it's so much worse. In the past day or so exploit code has been submitted to and Users and administrators should take immediate action to mitigate the risk posed by CVE-2013-3893.  Considering the timing, I personally expect to see an out of band patch from Microsoft before October's patch Tuesday, but that is just specu

3 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday, Sept 2013

September's Patch Tuesday is live! The 14 bulletins predicted were cut to 13, with the .NET patch landing on the cutting room floor. A patch getting pulled after the advance notice is up usually indicates that late testing revealed an undesired interaction with another product or component. Of the 13 bulletins remaining they are split 7/6 between the MS Office family and Windows OS patches, if we are counting the Internet Explorer patch as part of the OS patching, anti-trust lawsuits notwiths

2 min Microsoft

August Patch Tuesday

Oh noes! Fire! Look out! Run in circles, scream and shout! There's a remotely exploitable, publicly disclosed, critical remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange (MS13-061)! Prepare for the end of teh interwebs. But wait, is it really remotely exploitable? Well, not in the sense that user interaction is not required, it's a parser issue that is only triggered by a user opening a malicious message in Outlook Web Access (OWA). Okay, but it's still publicly disclosed right? I mean

2 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - July Edition!

This month's patch Tuesday the polar opposite of last month's ho-hum, here-we-go-again-with-the-patches exercise. There are 7 advisories and 6 of those are critical issues allowing remote code execution. Basically everything in the core Microsoft world is affected by one or more of these, every supported OS, every version of MS Office, Lync, Silverlight, Visual Studio and .NET.  It's going to be a busy time for security teams everywhere. For the first time ever Microsoft is addressing a singl

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Patch Tuesday - June Edition

The top patching priority in this month's MS Tuesday is MS13-051 which is a vulnerability affecting Office 2003 for PCs and Office 2011 for Mac. This issue is seeing limited, targeted exploitation in the wild and the only reason Microsoft hasn't tagged it as a “Critical” issue is the limited number of affected platforms. Exploitation of this issue requires the user to interact with a malicious document. The kernel elevation of privilege issue disclosed by Google researcher Tavis Ormandy bug i

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May 2013 - Patch Tuesday, the "yet another IE 0-day edition"

Going into this patch Tuesday the big question was: will MS13-038 address the “ Department of Labor IE 0-day (CVE-2013-1347) [/2013/05/05/department-of-labor-ie-0day-now-available-at-metasploit]”? Microsoft had hinted strongly that a patch was on the way, with the unspoken caveat that there is always a risk of a it getting pulled at the last minute for quality issues. As it turns out, MS13-038 is what was expected and should address the “Department of Labor IE 0-day,” which is great. So hooray f

2 min Microsoft

Patch Tuesday - April 2013 Edition!

The April 2013 MS Tuesday advisories are is out and it forecasts an interesting patching session for Microsoft administrators.  There are 9 advisories, for 14 CVEs, affecting 16 distinct platforms in 5 categories of Microsoft products, including the not-often-seen patching of “Microsoft Office Web Apps” and “Microsoft Security Software”. Once again there is an IE patch (MS13-028) which is rated critical, but this one differs from last month's incarnation by applying to all supported versions

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Patch Tuesday - March 2013 Edition!

Microsoft March 2013 security bulletins are bringing us a slightly lighter-than-usual patching load and, perhaps, a slightly muted patching urgency compared to recent months. There are seven advisories, though they cover 20 unique vulnerabilities. Four of the advisories are listed as “Critical”, but only the first one which applies to all supported versions of Internet Explorer (6-10) seems likely to be an immediate threat to the average user. The IE advisory (MS13-021) contains 9 distinct CV

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Patch Tuesday - February 2013 Edition!

It's another busy month of patching for Microsoft administrators with a number of high priority fixes getting out.  On the plus side, none of the issues patched this month are known to be actively being exploited "in the wild". The highest risk vulnerabilities, and thus the most important to patch are MS13-009, MS13-010, MS13-011, & MS13-020. MS13-009 is a cumulative patch addressing 12 CVEs for Internet Explorer.  MS13-010 was indicated as an Internet Explorer patch in the advance notificati