Posts by Tod Beardsley

2 min Metasploit

R7-2014-05 Vulnerability in Metasploit Modules (Fixed)

Metasploit Pro, Community, and Express users are urged to update to the latest version of Metasploit to receive the patch for the described vulnerability. Kali Linux users should use the normal 'apt-get update' method of updating, while other Metasploit Pro, Community, and Express users can use the in-application Administration : Software Updates button. A remote privilege escalation vulnerability has been discovered by Ben Campbell of MWR InfoSecurity [

3 min Apple

Metasploit Weekly Update: There's a Bug In Your Brain

Running Malicious Code in Safari The most fun module this week, in my humble opinion, is from Rapid7's own Javascript Dementor, Joe Vennix []. Joe wrote up this crafty implementation of a Safari User-Assisted Download and Run Attack [] , which is not technically a vulnerability or a bug or anything -- it's a feature that ends up being a kind of a huge risk. Here's how it goes:

3 min Open Source

Metasploit Weekly Update: On Breaking (and Fixing!) Security Software

Attacking Security Infrastructure This week, one module stands out for me: the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Remote Command Execution by xistence [], who built on the proof-of-concept code from Chris Graham [], who turned that out after Stefan Viehbock's disclosure from last week. You can read the full disclosure text from SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab [], and get an idea of the s

4 min Exploits

Metasploit Weekly Update: Video Chat, Meterpreter Building, and a Fresh MediaWiki Exploit

"It's Like Chat Roulette for Hackers" The coolest thing this week... wait, let me start again. The coolest thing this year is Wei sinn3r [] Chen's brand new amazesauce, humbly named webcam_chat. I know he just posted all about it [/2014/02/18/lets-talk-about-your-security-breach-with-metasploit-literally] yesterday, but I just want to reiterate how useful and hilarious this piece of post-exploit kit really is. First off, it's entirely peer-to-peer. The communicati

4 min Exploits

Weekly Metasploit Update: Feb. 13, 2014

Android WebView Exploit, 70% Devices Vulnerable This week, the biggest news I think we have is the release this week of Joe Vennix and Josh @jduck Drake's hot new/old Android WebView exploit. I've been running it for the last day or so out on the Internet, with attractive posters around the Rapid7 offices (as seen here) in an attempt to pwn something good. I've popped a couple shells, I guess I didn't make my QR Code attractive enough. Seriously, though, this vulnerability is kind of a huge d

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: ADSI support and MSFTidy for sanity

Meterpreter ADSI support We ended up skipping last week's update since upwards of 90% of Rapid7 folks were Shanghaied up to Boston, in the dead of winter, with only expense-reportable booze too keep us warm at night. So, with much fanfare comes this week's update, featuring the all new ADSI interface for Meterpreter, via OJ TheColonial [] Reeves' Extended API. Lucky for us, and you, Carlos DarkOperator [] Perez was not ensconced i

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Talking PJL With Printers

Abusing Printers with PJL This week's release features a half dozen new modules that seek out printers that talk the Print Job Language (PJL) for use and abuse. Huge thanks to our newest full time Metasploit trouble maker, William Vu []. As a penetration tester, you probably already know that office printers represent tasty targets. Like most hardware with embedded systems, they rarely, if ever, get patches. They don't often have very serious security controls

2 min Exploits

Weekly Metasploit Update: Arbitrary Driver Loading & Win a WiFi Pineapple

Wow, I don't know about you, kind reader, but I'm just about blogged out after that 12 Days of HaXmas sprint. I'll try to keep this update short and sweet. Arbitrary Driver Loading This week's update include a delightful new post module for managing a compromised target, the Windows Manage Driver Loader by longtime Metasploit community contributor, Borja Merino. If you, as a penetration tester, pops a box get gains administrator rights (or elevate yourself there using any of the several strateg

1 min Haxmas

Metasploit's 12 Days of HaXmas

12 Days of HaXmas, Wrapped! Over the actual Twelve Days of Christmas [], we here in Metasploit Nation have been celebrating the 12 Days of HaXmas by bringing our blog readers a fresh post about Metasploit (and hackery in general) every day for twelve days straight, all tagged under HaXmas. That conveniently lists all 12 posts in reverse order, so as you scroll through the titles, you can sing along: On the 12th day of HaXmas, my true love g

8 min Authentication

12 Days of HaXmas: Diving Into Git for Current and Future Metasploit Devs

This post is the eleventh in a series, 12 Days of HaXmas, where we take a look at some of more notable advancements in the Metasploit Framework over the course of 2013. Make no mistake -- the initial learning curve for git and GitHub can be pretty hairy. Way back in 2011, we made the initial move to GitHub for our source code hosting, but it took us until 2013 to remove the last vestiges of our old SVN infrastructure. In the meantime, we've picked up a fair amount of git and GitHub smarts. For

3 min Haxmas

12 Days of HaXmas: Meterpreter, Reloaded

This post is the third in a series, 12 Days of HaXmas, where we take a look at some of more notable advancements in the Metasploit Framework over the course of 2013. Over the last quarter of 2013, we here in the Democratic Freehold of Metasploit found that we needed to modernize our flagship remote access toolkit (RAT), Meterpreter. That started with cleaving Meterpreter out of the main Metasploit repository and setting it up with its own repository [], and

3 min Exploits

Metasploit Weekly Update: Adobe Reader Exploit and Post-Exploitation YouTube Broadcasting

New Adobe Reader ROP Gadgets This week, Juan Vazquez [] put together a neat one-two exploit punch that involves a somewhat recent Adobe Reader vulnerability (disclosed back in mid-May) and a sandbox escape via a OS privilege escalation bug. I won't give away the surprise there -- he'll have a blog post about it up in a few hours.  Part of the work, though, resulted in some new entries in Metasploit's RopDB; specifically, for Adobe Reader versions 9, 10, and 11.

3 min Exploits

Weekly Metasploit Update: New Meterpreter Extended API, Learning About HttpServer, HttpClient, and SAP

Meterpreter Extended API This week, we've got some new hotness for Meterpreter in the form of OJ TheColonial [] Reeves' new Extended API (extapi) functionality. So far, the extended API is for Windows targets only (hint: patches accepted), and here's the rundown of what's now available for your post-exploitation delight: * Clipboard Management: This allows for reading and writing from the target's clipboard. This includes not only text, like you'd expect, but

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: SAP and Silverlight

SAP SAPpy SAP SAP We've been all SAP all the time here in the Independent Nations of Metasploit, and expect to be for the rest of the week. You might recall that Metasploit exploit dev, Juan Vazquez [] published his SAP survey paper [] a little while back; on Tuesday, we did a moderated twitter chat on the hashtag #pwnSAP [] with the major S

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Patching Ruby Float Conversion DoS (CVE-2013-4164)

Metasploit 4.8.1 Released Thanks to the revelations around the recent Ruby float conversion denial of service, aka CVE-2013-4164 [] discovered and reported by Charlie Somerville, this week's release is pretty slim in terms of content; on Friday (the day of the first disclosure), we pretty much dropped everything and got to work on testing and packaging up new Metasploit installers that ship with R