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5 min IT Ops

Hashing Infrastructures

Engineers in fast moving, medium to large scale infrastructures in the cloud are often faced with the challenge of bringing up systems in a repeatable, fast and scalable way. There are currently tools which aid engineers in accomplishing this task e.g. Convection, Terraform, Saltstack, Chef, Ansible, Docker. Once the system is brought up there is a maintenance challenge of continually deploying and destroying the resources. What if we can hash the inputs for describing an infrastructure, where

4 min

Disaster Preparedness: It's Not Thought Of Until It Is Needed Most

...and then it might be too late. > An update from Delta CEO Ed Bastian: — Delta (@Delta) August 8, 2016 Recently, Delta Airlines suffered a weeklong outage that, if you take it on it's face, ticks just about every box on a security person's disaster recovery planning scenario. Delta has given

3 min Komand

Defining the Roles & Responsibilities of Your Security Team

Muddling together security responsibilities often leads to tasks falling through the cracks. Instead, organizations should be as clear as possible about which member of the security staff is responsible for which tasks. Moreover, the division of those tasks should reflect the unique capabilities and strengths of each team member. For instance, SOC personnel should be given tasks that require immediate attention, such as alert handling and incident response. Security engineers, on the other hand

3 min

Nexpose Now Notes: August 2016

We build Nexpose to help security practitioners get from find to fix faster. With the launch of Nexpose Now , Rapid7 delivered Liveboards to help you know what's weak in your world right now. Liveboards combine your live threat exposure data, powerful analytics and intuitive querying so you can spend less time compiling data, and more time improving your security program.

3 min Komand

Does Security Automation Mean SOC Employees Will Be Obsolete?

Telephones, computers, and robots all have one thing in common: People thought they’d replace the need for human input, putting us all out of a job. On the contrary, these technologies were widely embraced once the public realized what their true purpose was: to automate tedious work and enable us to do things we actually enjoy doing, and faster, too. The same benefits apply to security operations, and this is a great thing for security operations centers (SOCs)

2 min

SMB Security is so Simple - Take Advantage of it Now.

This is a guest post from our frequent contributor Kevin Beaver . You can read all of his previous guest posts here . Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have it made in terms of security. No, I'm not referring to the threats, vulnerabilities, and business risks. Those are the same regardless of the size of the organization. Instead, I'm talking about how relatively easy it is to establish and build out core information security functions and o

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrapup: Aug. 12, 2016

Las Vegas 2016 is in The Books This week's wrap-up actually covers two weeks thanks in large part to the yearly pilgrimage to Las Vegas.  I myself elected not to attend, but I'm told everyone had a great time.  Many on the team are still recuperating, but I'd wager that they all enjoyed seeing you there as well.  Here's to everyone's speedy recovery. Centreon Web UserAlias Command Execution Our first new module this go-around exploits a remote command execution vulnerability in Centreon Web via

3 min Log Management

Using Log Data as Forensic Evidence

This is a guest post by Ed Tittel. Ed, a regular contributor to , has been writing about information security topics since the mid-1990s. He contributed to the first five editions of the CISSP Study Guide (Sybex, 6e, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-119-31427-3) and to two editions of Computer Forensics JumpStart (Sybex, 2e, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-93166-0), and still writes and blogs regularly on security topics for websites including Tom's IT Pro,

3 min IT Ops

4 Potential Security Issues Raised By Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a phenomenon. The game is objectively a success and has been breaking mobile gaming records almost weekly. The game’s current success is without being open in some significant markets and it shows no signs of slowing. It is important to remind players to take measures to protect your company’s interests when playing. Pokémon Go is an Augmented Reality game. Players see the game’s fictional world on top of everyday reality. Augmented Reality manifests in several ways: from import

1 min Public Policy

NIST 800-53 Control Mappings in SQL Query Export

In July, we added National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53r4 controls mappings to version 2.0.2 of the reporting data model for SQL Query Export reports. NIST 800-53 is a publication that develops a set of security controls standards that are designed to aid organizations in protecting themselves from an array of threats. What does this mean for you? Well, now you can measure your compliance against these controls by writing SQL queries. For example, say

3 min Komand

A Framework for Selecting and Implementing Security Tools Today

Security products are often purchased to either mark a compliance checkbox, have the newest, shiniest tool on the market, or because of a great vendor pitch, but those reasons don’t support a strategic approach to security posture. With so many technologies out there today, we put together a simple and straightforward framework you can use to make signal out of noise and select the technology that fits your unique needs. 1. Hire People First A big misstep that many organizations make is pickin

10 min Komand

Building a Simple CLI Tool with Golang

Go offers a simple way to build command-line tools using only standard libraries. So I put together a step-by-step example to help walk you through the process. To write a Go program, you’ll need Go setup up on your computer . If you’re not familiar with Go and want to spend a little extra time learning, you can take the Go tour to get started! In this example, we’ll create a command-line tool called stringparse, that will cou

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Bro Series: The Programming Language

Synopsis: Bro is a network security monitoring platform. The reason for calling it a platform is due to the fact that Bro is a domain specific programming language and a collection of tools and APIs. Together, they comprise a platform for network monitoring. In this article, we will attempt to solidify the fact that Bro is a language by using it as such. Data Types The Bro scripting language supports the following built-in types

1 min IT Ops

Integrating Logentries with OpsGenie: 3 Easy Steps

Real-time alerts are only as good as their ability to successfully reach their intended audience. If an alert recipient only checks email once every several hours, email alerts would not be well suited for real-time notification. It’s for this reason that Logentries makes it easy to integrate with popular 3rd party tools that DevOps professionals are already using, including Slack

8 min Komand

Defender Spotlight: April C. Wright of Verizon Enterprise Services

Welcome to Defender Spotlight! In this weekly blog series, we interview cybersecurity defenders of all varieties about their experience working in security operations. We’ll inquire about their favorite tools, and ask advice on security topics, trends, and other know-how._ Today, we're talking with April Wright. She is currently working for Verizon Enterprise Services as a Security Program Lead, and is a fellow lover of security defenses. April is devoted to teaching, creating, learning, and he