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14 min Automation and Orchestration

Working with Bro Logs: Queries By Example

Synopsis: Bro , a powerful network security monitor, which by default churns out ASCII logs in a easily parseable whitespace separated (column) format from network traffic, live or PCAP. Because this logs are in the aforementioned format it makes them very hackable with the standard unix toolset. If you’re an experienced unix user with ample networking knowledge you probably have all the know-how to immediately pull useful data from Bro logs. If you’re not familiar with the stan

3 min Komand

SOC Series: When to Setup a Security Operations Center

To build a successful security function, you need to coordinate across people, processes, and technology. And the stakes have never been higher than they are today when it comes to information security, which is why many businesses are looking for ways to centralize security operations by way of a security operations center (SOC) Check out our Ebook, Presenting Upward: How to Showcase SecOps Metrics that Matter

15 min Automation and Orchestration

Nagios Series: Deployment Automation Tips and Tricks

Synopsis: In this article I will be sharing some ideas that I’ve used from my experiences that will help streamline and take a lot of the work out of managing a Nagios deployment. I will go into multiple ways to manage your deployment. As you read on I will introduce a more complete solution. We will begin with git and cron, extend that to use subtrees, and then move along to an enterprise deployment with Puppet and ERB along with the aforementioned tools. Git: My philosophy is that just about

5 min Nexpose

Focusing on Default Accounts - Targeted Analysis With Nexpose

In my last blog post I went in depth on Impact Driven Analysis and Response , an often-overlooked but very handy analysis option in Nexpose. Today I'd like to talk about another great option for analysis - filtering assets based on their discovered vulnerabilities by Vulnerability Category. We will use Filtered Asset search to take a focused look at a specific category: Default Account findings. Default accounts are high significance findings with low e

1 min IT Ops

Integrating Logentries With .NET The How and Why

A robust logging strategy opens up a world of potential improvements for your .Net applications through application logging. Application logging provides valuable insight. Insight that can only benefit your network application stack since your .Net application is the front line for enhancing your customer’s experience. Bringing meaning to all the potential information that your .Net application can collect is what Logentries does best. Logentries makes getting this valuable information into y

4 min Nexpose

Impact Driven Risk Analysis and Response With Nexpose

Today I'd like to highlight an often overlooked but very handy analysis option in Nexpose - filtering assets based on their discovered vulnerability CVSS Impact Metrics (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability). We will use RealContext tags and Filtered Asset Search to answer the following questions: * Are there any Availability Impact findings on High Availability systems? ( i.e. web servers, authentication servers) * Are there any Confidentiality Impact findings on systems with Highly

6 min Komand

Building SVG Maps with React

Here at Komand, we needed a way to easily navigate around our workflows. They have the potential to get complex quickly, as security workflows involve many intricate steps. To accomplish this task, we took an SVG approach to render our workflow dynamically (without dealing with div positioning issues). This gave us the power of traditional graphics to do a variety of manipulations on sub components. In this walkthrough, we will useInteractive SVG Components

4 min IT Ops

Intrinsically fast: more JVM performance tinkering

I didn’t expect my last post on JVM perf to be so well received, so I thought I’d carry on digging into why your code does (or doesn’t) run fast! Let’s forget about concurrency for now and instead focus on the executable machine code that the Java Virtual Machine (and particularly HotSpot) generates. In Java-land it’s pretty common to hear people mention stuff about ‘warmup times’, especially in the context of an incendiary micro

7 min IT Ops

Implementing Self-Describing Log Data Using NodeJS

In my previous article, How to Ensure Self-Describing Log Data using Log4Net , I showed you a  technique that made structuring your logging information as key-value and JSON under Log4Net an easier undertaking. In this article I am going to apply the same concepts to NodeJS. I’ll show you how to make it so that so you can ensure logging uniformity among all the NodeJS developers in your enterprise with little to no additional effo

3 min AppSpider

RESTful Web Services: Security Testing Made Easy (Finally)

AppSpider's got even more Swagger now! As you may remember, we first launched improved RESTful web services security testing last year. Since that time, you have been able to test the REST APIs that have a Swagger definition file, automatically without capturing proxy traffic. Now, we have expanded upon that functionality so that AppSpider can automatically discover Swagger definition files as part of the

3 min IT Ops

How To: Send Logentries Alerts to BigPanda

Working in customer support we are usually the first to receive feature requests, integration requests or recommendations. We would then relay this to our product team. But we often get requests that we can tackle ourselves whether this may be small coding tasks or account changes. So when we heard a user wanted to be able to forward their Logentries alerts to, we made that happen. When any issues occur, time to resolution matters. Because Logentries streams your log data in real-

2 min Metasploit

Rapid7 Sponsors Tech For Troops Hacking Convention

This is a guest blog by Eliza May Austin, a student at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. We commend Eliza for her involvement in and commitment to Tech for Troops and we're honored to be able to participate. In March of 2016, Rapid7 sponsored the first ever Tech For Troops hacking convention (TFTcon), hosted at Sheffield Hallam University. TFTcon is a hacking convention specific to ex-military people and its purpose is to bridge the gap in the information security industry with

4 min Automation and Orchestration

Nagios Series: DNS Resiliency

Synopsis: Host operating system resolver libraries are not very good at dealing with an unreachable nameserver. Even if you specify multiple nameservers in resolv.conf and one of them goes down you will experience a period where connections will not be made because resolution is not known. There are a number of resolver tuning options but even reducing the timeout to 1 second there will result in a delay. This affects nearly all unix-like operating systems including GNU/Linux. In this article w

5 min IT Ops

Raspberry Pi, Logs and IoT - Sending Pi Log and Sensor data to Logentries

In the previous blog post we learned how to send IoT data from the TI CC 2650 SensorTag to Logentries using Node-Red and directly using Linux. This Blog will show how to send data from a Raspberry Pi device to Logentries

5 min InsightIDR

5 Methods For Detecting Ransomware Activity

Recently, ransomware was primarily a consumer problem. However, cybercriminals behind recent ransomware attacks have now shifted their focus to businesses.