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IE DirectShow (msvidctl.dll) MPEG-2 Metasploit Exploit

Originally Posted  by Jabra There is a new IE exploit that has been recently released into the wild. The exploit is for DirectShow (msvidctl.dll) MPEG-2. The exploit utilizes an ActiveX control in addition to a GIF file  include, to perform a memory corruption attack. The vulnerability affects users of both IE 6 and IE7. Today, the exploit was added to the Metasploit framework by HD Moore (the author of Metasploit). The module was written by Trancer. Thus far, I h

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Mastering the Metasploit Framework

The next official Metasploit class will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada during Black Hat USA on July 25th and 26th. This course dives into the newest features of the Metasploit Framework and demonstrates how to use these features in every aspect of a penetration test. Students will learn how to create custom modules to solve specific tasks, launch wide-scale client-side attacks, operate a malicious wireless access point, generate c

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Capturing Logon Credentials with Meterpreter

In my previous post , I described the keystroke sniffing capabilities of the Meterpreter payload. One of the key restrictions of this feature is that it can only sniff while running inside of a process with interactive access to the desktop. In the case of the MS08-067 exploit, we had to migrate into Explorer.exe in order to capture the logged-on user's keystrokes. While testing the keystroke sniffer, it occurred to me to migrate into the

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Remote Keystroke Sniffing with Meterpreter

Earlier this afternoon, I committed some code to allow keystroke sniffing through Meterpreter sessions. This was implemented as set of new commands for the stdapi extension of Meterpreter. Dark Operator, author of many great Meterpreter scripts, already wrote a nice blog post describing how to use the new keystroke sniffer, but I wanted to cover some of the internals and limitations as well. The keyscan_start command spawns a new thread inside of the

3 min

VMWare, Virtual PC, and FDCC Images

Update:  A couple folks pointed out that the VMWare Converter automates most of the issues covered in this post. On August 20th, 2007 NIST's Federal Desktop Core Configuration project released its initial set of Windows virtual machine images as a security reference. This set has been updated to consist of Windows XP SP2 and

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Metasploit Mass Exploitation for Dummies

One of the features added in the 3.2 release of the Metasploit Framework was the ability to restrict the db_autopwn command to specific ports and modules matching a given regular expression. This feature can be used to run one or more exploits against a specific range of hosts at the same time. In the example below, we will demonstrate how to launch the MS08-067 exploit against e

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Metasploit DDoS Redux

The good news is that the DDoS against the Metasploit web servers has stopped, the bad is that I won't have time to go into the details of the attack and the mitigation methods until next week. All Metasploit services should be operational again, please let me know if you find something broken. I would like to thank everyone who offered us assistance during the attack, without their help this would have been much more frustrating. The bandwidth graph for the affected period can be seen below.

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Pathetic DDoS vs Metasploit (Round 3)

The incoming connection rate has exceeded 15Mbps of just SYN packets, so we decided to point and back to for a little while. This is more to keep our ISP happy than any fear of bandwidth charges.  We ran a packet capture of the incoming SYN traffic for about 8 hours; it takes up approximately 60Gb of disk space. In the meantime, if you want to access the Metasploit web site, please use: Thanks! -HD

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Pathetic DDoS vs Metasploit (Round 2)

It looks like our little DDoS buddy got sent home from school early today -- the flood started up again, this time ignoring the DNS name for the web site and instead targeting both IP addresses configured on the server. While SSL service is still unaffected (including Online Update over SVN), folks who wish to visit the Metasploit web site will need to do so using an alternate port until we roll out the next countermeasure. <We also host the main web server for Attack Research.

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Metasploit Decloak v2 (UnAnonymizer)

The Metasploit Decloak Engine is now back online with a handful of new updates and bug fixes. Decloak identifies the real IP address of a web user, regardless of proxy settings, using a combination of client-side technologies and custom services. The first version was announced in June of 2006 and was eventually made obsolete by changes to the Flash plugin and improvements in the Tor

4 min

MS08-068: Metasploit and SMB Relay

Today, Microsoft released bulletin MS08-068, which addresses a well-known flaw in the SMB authentication protocol. This attack was first publicly documented by Sir Dystic during @tlantacon in 2001 and implemented in Metasploit 3 in July of 2007. The attack abuses a design flaw in how SMB/NTLM authentication is implemented and works as follows. The SMB client tries to access a remote SMB service on an attacker's machine. A user can be forced to access the SMB resource if they are running Intern

3 min

Metasploit 3.2 BSD Licensing

The slides from the talk egypt and I gave at SecTOR 2008 are now online . One of the highlights was a change in licensing -- instead of the existing EULA-like license, the 3.2 release will be provided under the 3-clause BSD license. The text below is an extended version of a rant I shared with Kelly Jackson Higgins over at Dark Reading . The original version of Metasploit (1.0 and

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Metasploit (2**5/10.0)

Silence can mean one of two things - the project is dead, or we are working on some really big things and aren't quite ready to announce them. Well, the project is not dead In the next two weeks, some major changes will be announced that cover the source code, development team, and licensing of the Metasploit Framework. Folks who have been following the development tree may not be suprised, but we are taking some giant steps forward from the 3.1 release. In the meantime, users should stay away

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Improved WinDBG opcode searching

Goaded by some coworkers about the opcode searching functionality of windbg prompted me to add a new option to jutsu today: searchOpcode You can search for sets of instructions in conjunction, it will assemble them, providing you the machine code, then search for the instructions in executable memory. Instructions are delimited by pipes. I plan to add some limited wildcard functionality in the near future as well. 0:000> !jutsu searchOpcode  pop ecx | pop ecx | ret Searching for: >  pop e

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Byakugan WinDBG Plugin Released!

Today, HD merged in an amalgamation of windbg tools and plugins with a funny name into the main metasploit tree.  We've been working on this collection for awhile now, and currently it represents (I think) a good step towards turning windbg from simply a good debugger into a powerful platform for exploit development. The work that's currently released includes: tenketsu - the vista heap emulator/visualizer which allows you to track how input to a program effects the heap in real time. jutsu