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2 min COVID-19

Our Commitment to Keeping Your Organization Secure During COVID-19

COVID-19 has created a great deal of concern and uncertainty, and we want to reassure you that your security remains our top priority.

3 min COVID-19

How to WFH and Keep Your Digital Self Safe

In this blog, we discuss how to work from home (WFH) and keep your digital self safe.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 3/13/20

Four new modules and lots of productivity enhancements. You can now run `rubocop -a` to automatically fix most formatting issues when developing modules. Plus, try the new `tip` command in MSF for Framework usage tips!

4 min Vulnerability Management

How to Understand the TCO and ROI of Your Vulnerability Management Program

In this blog, we discuss the total cost of ownership (TCO) compared to the potential return on investment (ROI) of your Vulnerability Management program.

3 min Risk Management

CVE-2020-0796: Microsoft SMBv3 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Analysis

Rapid7 analysis and exposure data on CVE-2020-0796, a critical remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft's SMBv3 protocol.

4 min InsightIDR

3 Common Threats to Look for in Your Network Data

Today, we'll be highlighting three common threats to keep an eye out for in your network data and the best methods of remediation.

4 min InsightConnect

Why Our Future in InfoSec Depends on Automation

In this blog, we discuss why our future in Information Security depends on automation.

2 min Vulnerability Management

Patch Tuesday - March 2020

Let's start off talking about CVE-2020-0688 from last month -- the Microsoft Exchange Validation Key RCE vulnerability. At the time it was published February 11, 2020, the vulnerability had not seen active exploitation. As of March 9, 2020, there were increasing reports of activity happening on unpatched Exchange

3 min Podcast

Talking the Origins of THOTCON with Founder Nick Percoco

In a recent episode of Security Nation, we sat down with THOTCON founder Nick Percoco to discuss the Chicago-based security conference.

4 min InsightVM

How to Secure Containers, Applications, and Serverless Environments

In the final post of our four-part series on security in the cloud, we explain how to secure containers, applications, and serverless environments.

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up 3/6/20

Gift exchange If you're looking for remote code execution against Microsoft Exchange, Spencer McIntyre crafted up a cool new module targeting a .NET serialization vulnerability in the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) web page. Vulnerable versions of Exchange don't randomize keys on a per-installation basis, resulting in reuse of the same validationKey and decryptionKey values. With knowledge of these, an at

4 min Vulnerability Disclosure

R7-2019-39 | CVE-2019-5648: LDAP Credential Exposure in Barracuda Load Balancer ADC (FIXED)

This post describes CVE-2019-5648, a vulnerability in the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC.

4 min Penetration Testing

Lessons Learned from an Unlikely Path to My OSCP Certification

In this blog, our own Patrick Laverty discusses lessons learned from his path to a Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) certification.

2 min Research

Rapid7 2020 Threat Report: Exposing Common Attacker Trends

In this blog, we break-down the three key sections of the newly-released Rapid7 2020 Threat Report.

5 min Events

How We Used Data Science Magic to Predict Key RSA 2020 Themes and Takeaways

As our team discussed our traditional RSA round-up blog, we started to wonder how easy it would be to predict those key themes before the conference even kicked off.