Posts tagged InsightAppSec

2 min Application Security

New InsightAppSec Releases: Compliance Reports and the AppSec Toolkit

Things are always brewing in Rapid7 product development. Today, we’re excited to announce several exciting new features in InsightAppSec, our cloud-powered application security testing solution for modern web apps []. These include: * Custom reports for PCI, HIPAA, SOX, and OWASP 2017 compliance requirements * PDF report generation * The Rapid7 AppSec Toolkit * Macro Recorder * Traffic Viewer * RegEx Builder * Swagger/Rest API Utilit

2 min InsightAppSec

How to Scan Your Own Application with the InsightAppSec Free Trial

We think this is pretty sweet news. You asked, we built it—now you can scan one of your own applications with an InsightAppSec trial! But before you start scanning your own application with the InsightAppSec free trial [], you’ll need to validate your application’s domain. This requires adding a custom-generated meta tag to your application’s root path. Let’s get started. When adding your app to the InsightAppSec free trial, you’ll be given an option to

2 min InsightAppSec

Making the Dream Work: Teaming with Dev for Safer Production Apps

So you’ve read the reports outlining how important it is for developers and security teams to work together to build web applications quickly and securely [] , you’ve scoured the web and have researched the importance of building a web application program at your organization [], perhaps even watched some videos talking about the evolution of web applications an

3 min InsightAppSec

3 Questions to Ask When Prioritizing Web Application Vulnerabilities

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) often results in a constantly evolving list of security vulnerabilities. When scanning a web application [] in production or in an active testing environment, issues can crop up as quickly as changes happen within the app. And when exposed to the internet itself, there are many more ways in which security vulnerabilities []

3 min InsightAppSec

InsightAppSec Feature Highlights: On-Premise Engines, JIRA Integration, and More

Powerful Yet Simple DAST Scanning Gets Even Better InsightAppSec [], Rapid7’s cloud-powered web application security testing solution [], has added three powerful new features: * On-premise scan engines * JIRA integration * Scan Activity view Test Your Internal Applications and Reduce Your Risk Web application security testing [