Posts tagged InsightConnect

8 min AWS

Automating the Cloud: AWS Security Done Efficiently

Today, we are going to be installing software on all your existing EC2 instances across several (or all!) accounts under an organization in AWS.

3 min InsightConnect

Responding to Cloud-Based Security Incidents with InsightConnect: AWS Security Hub

In this post, we’ll show you firsthand how security orchestration and automation (SOAR) helps teams accelerate their response to cloud-based threats.

2 min InsightVM

How Rapid7’s AWS Security Hub Integrations Increase Cloud Visibility and Automate Security Operations

As part of our ongoing commitment to support customers using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rapid7 announces integrations with the AWS Security Hub for vulnerability management and SOAR solutions.

3 min Automation and Orchestration

How Security Automation Enables Business Agility

How can any organization’s security team balance these priorities in a rapidly shifting security landscape while staying agile? Automation.

4 min Automation and Orchestration

How Security Orchestration & Automation Can Add Immediate Value

Thanks to security orchestration and automation (SOAR), it is possible to work efficiently with the resources you already have.

4 min InsightConnect

How Rapid7’s Orchestration and Automation Solution Boosted a Higher Education Security Team’s Effectiveness

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Adam Elliott to discuss why his team chose Rapid7 and how our solution has increased the overall effectiveness of his security team.

4 min InsightConnect

Security Orchestration and Automation: Not Just for Mature Organizations

Think that security, orchestration, and automation (SOAR) is only for mature organizations? Think again. Here are some ways your company can benefit from SOAR solutions.

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Introducing Security Orchestration and Automation (SOAR) on the Rapid7 Insight Platform

Rapid7 is proud to officially announce orchestration and automation on our Insight platform, with automation taking shape in a number of existing products and our new SOAR offering, Rapid7 InsightConnect.

2 min InsightIDR

Faster Investigations, Closer Teamwork: InsightIDR Enhancements

Incident investigations aren’t easy. Imagine investigation as a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle, except there are a million unarranged pieces to build from. Top analysts need to know what “bad” looks like and how to find it, and they must bring a sharp Excel game to stitch everything together...

3 min InsightIDR

InsightIDR Now Supports Multi-Factor Auth and Data Archiving

InsightIDR is now part of the Rapid7 platform. Learn more about our platform vision and how it enables you to have the SIEM solution you've always wanted.

5 min Automation and Orchestration

The Effective Components of Security Orchestration

It’s one thing to have a plan for security orchestration [], but it’s another to get it up and running and use it to its full potential. At this point, most security professionals know that security orchestration and automation [] are a “need to have,” not a “nice to have,” but to fully leverage security orchestration, there are a few considerations that will help yo

3 min Automation and Orchestration

Will Investing in Security Orchestration Make Your SIEM Obsolete?

As more companies continue to adopt security orchestration, many are now wondering if their security information and event management (SIEM) [] systems will soon become obsolete. Security teams use SIEMs to manage and correlate alerts from detection tools with other data and logs. While SIEMS help to corral alerts and log data, they often don’t do much in the way of reducing alerts or investigatory tasks after an alert comes in. Security teams have many

4 min Automation and Orchestration

What is Security Automation?

Security has always been a numbers game. Time to detection and time to response have been metrics security teams have sought to reduce since the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of computers…). But what does it take to actually reduce that number? If you’re reading this, we’re guessing you’re no stranger to the challenges in the world of security today. Between the security talent gap [/2016/08/30/5-reasons-companies-are-losing-security-talent-and-what-to-do/] and the rapid prolifer

3 min Automation and Orchestration

3 Steps to Transform Your Security Operations with Security Orchestration

Considering the sheer number of security tools and threats out there today, security operations [] can quickly get overwhelming if you don’t have a way to manage the complexities in a systematic fashion. Much of this management between tools and processes is done manually by people today, but this way isn’t exactly sustainable in the long term for security teams — especially coupled with an increasing volume of alerts, events, and security incidents. Tha

1 min Automation and Orchestration

A Guide on Security Automation Best Practices

Ask three different security teams what is holding them back from faster time-to-response and chances are you’ll get three different answers: 1. Manual, time-intensive processes 2. Lack of integrated tools 3. Lack of development resources All of these problems exist across both big and small companies in any industry, from healthcare to finance to e-commerce. But in a digital world where attacks are both prevalent and pervasive, defenders always need to be a step (if not two) ahead. This i