Posts tagged InsightIDR

2 min User Behavior Analytics

Deception Technology in InsightIDR: Setting Up Honey Users

Having the ability to detect and respond to user authentication attempts is a key feature of InsightIDR [], Rapid7’s threat detection and incident response solution []. Users can take this ability one step further by deploying deception technology, like honey users, which come built into the product. A honey user is a dummy user not associated with a real person within your organization. B

2 min InsightIDR

How to detect SMBv1 scanning and SMBv1 established connections

How to use network traffic analysis (NTA) to detect SMBv1 scanning and SMBv1 established connections.

2 min InsightIDR

Rapid7 Quarterly Threat Report: 2018 Q1

Spring is here, and along with the flowers and the birds, the pollen and the never-ending allergies, we bring you 2018’s first Quarterly Threat Report []! For the year’s inaugural report, we pulled an additional data set: significant events. While we like to look at trends in alerts over time, there is almost never a one-alert-per-incident correlation. Adversary actions involve multiple steps, which generate multiple alerts, and aft

4 min InsightIDR

Unifying Security Data: How to Streamline Endpoint Detection and Response

Collecting data from the endpoint can be tedious and complex (to say the least). Between the data streaming from your Windows, Linux, and Mac endpoints, not to mention remote authentication and the processes running on these assets, there is a lot of information to gather and analyze. Unless you have a deep knowledge of operating systems to build this yourself—or additional budget to add these data streams to your SIEM tool []—it may not be feasible for y

4 min InsightIDR

How to Identify Attacker Reconnaissance on Your Internal Network

The most vulnerable moment for attackers is when they first gain internal access to your corporate network. In order to determine their next step, intruders must perform reconnaissance to scout available ports, services, and assets from which they can pivot and gain access to customer databases, credit card data, source code, and more. These initial moments are arguably your best opportunities to catch attackers before critical assets are breached, but unfortunately, it can be very challenging t

4 min InsightIDR

Attacker Behavior Analytics: How InsightIDR Detects Unknown Threats

InsightIDR customers now have an ever-evolving library of attacker behavior detections automatically matched against their data. Read on to learn how Rapid7 SOC and threat intel teams investigate a constant rumbling of attacker behavior and transform it into actionable threat intelligence.

4 min InsightIDR

How to detect weak SSL/TLS encryption on your network

In this blog, we break down how to detect SSL/TLS encryption on your network.

2 min InsightIDR

How to detect new server ports in use on your network

In this blog, we discuss how to detect new server ports in use on your network.

3 min InsightIDR

How To Detect Unauthorized DNS Servers On Your Network

DNS was never designed as a very secure protocol, and it is a popular target for attackers. Here is how you can detect unauthorized DNS servers on your network

2 min InsightIDR

2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM: Rapid7 Named a Visionary

If you’re currently tackling an active SIEM project, it’s not easy to dig through libraries of product briefs and outlandish marketing claims. You can turn to trusted peers, but that’s challenging in a world where most leaders aren’t satisfied with their SIEM [], even after generous amounts of professional services and third-party management. Luckily, Gartner is no stranger to putting vendors to the test, especially for SIEM, where since 2005 they’ve rele

3 min InsightIDR

InsightIDR Monitors Win, Linux & Mac Endpoints

Today’s SIEM tools [] aren’t just for compliance and post-breach investigations. Advanced analytics, such as user behavior analytics, are now core to SIEM to help teams find the needles in their ever-growing data stacks. That means in order for project success, the right data sources need to be connected: “If a log falls in a forest and no parser hears it, the SIEM hath no sound.” We’ve included endpoint visibility in InsightIDR since the beginning—it’

2 min InsightIDR

Faster Investigations, Closer Teamwork: InsightIDR Enhancements

Incident investigations aren’t easy. Imagine investigation as a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle, except there are a million unarranged pieces to build from. Top analysts need to know what “bad” looks like and how to find it, and they must bring a sharp Excel game to stitch everything together...

5 min SIEM

SIEM Market Evolution And The Future of SIEM Tools

There’s a lot to be learned by watching a market like SIEM adapt as technology evolves, both for the attackers and the analysis.

3 min InsightIDR

InsightIDR Now Supports Multi-Factor Auth and Data Archiving

InsightIDR is now part of the Rapid7 platform. Learn more about our platform vision and how it enables you to have the SIEM solution you've always wanted.

2 min InsightIDR

How to Detect BitTorrent Traffic on your Network

Learn how to detect BitTorrent traffic on your network to capture metadata such as INFO-HASH, IP addresses, and usernames.