Posts tagged InsightVM

1 min Vulnerability Management

CVE-2017-10151: What You Need to Know About the Oracle Identity Manager Vulnerability

I have Oracle Identity Manager running in my environment. What's going on? Am I vulnerable? Recently, we’ve been getting more than a few questions about the Oracle Identity Manager vulnerability (CVE-2017-10151) [], which was rated by Oracle with the most critical CVSS score of 10 []. This is the highest possible CVSS score, which represents a vulnerability with a low complexity for

3 min InsightVM

InsightVM in the Azure Marketplace

Step-by-step guide to using InsightVM to scan your assets in Microsoft's cloud.

3 min Nexpose

AWS power-up: Tag import, asset cleanup, AssumeRole, ad-hoc scan

AWS instances present many challenges to security practitioners, who must manage the spikes and dips of resources in infrastructures that deal in very short-lived assets. Better and more accurate syncing of when instances are spun up or down, altered, or terminated directly impacts the quality of security data. A New Discovery Connection Today we’re excited to announce better integration between the Security Console and Amazon Web Services with the new Amazon Web Services Asset Sync discovery c

2 min Vulnerability Management

Apache Struts S2-052 (CVE-2017-9805): What You Need To Know

Apache Struts, Again? What’s Going On? Yesterday’s Apache Struts vulnerability announcement [] describes an XML Deserialization issue in the popular Java framework for web applications. Deserialization of untrusted user input, also known as CWE-502 [], is a somewhat well-known vulnerability pattern, and I would expect crimeware kits to

2 min InsightVM

Wanna see WannaCry vulns in Splunk?

Do you want to see your WannaCry [] vulns all in one dashboard in Splunk? We've got you covered. Before you start, make sure you have these two apps installed in your Splunk App: * Rapid7 Nexpose Technology Add-On for Splunk [] * Rapid7 Nexpose for Splunk [] Steps 1. Follow the directions in this blog post [

3 min Nexpose

InsightVM/Nexpose Patch Tuesday Reporting

Many of our customers wish to report specifically on Microsoft patch related vulnerabilities []. This often includes specific vulnerabilities that are patched in Patch Tuesday updates. This post will show you the various ways that you can create reports for each of these. Remediation Projects Remediation Projects are a feature included in InsightVM [] that allow you to get a live view

2 min Nexpose

Samba CVE-2017-7494: Scanning and Remediating in InsightVM and Nexpose

Just when you'd finished wiping away your WannaCry [/2017/05/12/wanna-decryptor-wncry-ransomware-explained] tears, the interwebs dropped another bombshell: a nasty Samba vulnerability, CVE-2017-7494 [] (no snazzy name as of the publishing of this blog, but hopefully something with a Lion King reference will be created soon). As with WannaCry, we wanted to keep this simple. First, check out Jen Ellis's overview of the Samba vulnerabil

4 min Container Security

Modern Network Coverage and Container Security in InsightVM

For a long time, the concept of “infrastructure” remained relatively unchanged: Firewalls, routers, servers, desktops, and so on make up the majority of your network. Yet over the last few years, the tides have begun to shift. Virtualization is now ubiquitous, giving employees tremendous leeway in their ability to spin up and take down new machines at will. Large chunks of critical processes and applications run in cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Containers hav

4 min InsightVM

Discovery of assets in Active Directory

Many security teams work in a world that they can't fully see, let alone control. It can be difficult to know how to make meaningful progress in your vulnerability management program [] when simply maintaining visibility can be a struggle. One way to get some leverage is to make wise use of asset discovery. If you are able to tap into repositories or sources of assets, you stand a better chance of gaining and maintaining visibility. Ove

5 min Microsoft

Actionable Vulnerability Remediation Projects in InsightVM

Security practitioners and the remediating teams they collaborate with are increasingly asked to do more with less. They simply cannot remediate everything; it has never been more important to prioritize and drive remediations from start to finish. The Remediation Workflow capability in InsightVM [] was designed to drive more effective remediation efforts by allowing users to project manage efforts both large and small. Remediation Workflow is designed

3 min InsightVM

InsightVM: Analytics-driven Vulnerability Management, All The Way To The End(point)

In 2015 Rapid7 introduced the Insight platform, built to reduce the complexity inherent in security analytics. This reality was introduced first to our InsightIDR [] users, who now had the capabilities of a SIEM [], powered by user behavior analytics (UBA) [] and endpoint detection []. Soon we started