Posts tagged IoT

4 min Research

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers’ Onboard Flash Memory, Part 4

In our fourth and final part of this ongoing series, we will conduct further firmware extraction exercises with the Texas Instruments RF microcontroller.

4 min IoT

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 3: Microchip PIC Microcontrollers

In this blog, we will conduct another firmware extraction exercise dealing with the Microchip PIC microcontroller (PIC32MX695F512H).

3 min IoT

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 2: Nordic RF Microcontrollers

In this blog, we will conduct another firmware extraction exercise dealing with the Nordic RF microcontroller (nRF51822).

3 min Research

Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers' Onboard Flash Memory, Part 1: Atmel Microcontrollers

As part of our ongoing discussion of hardware hacking for security professionals, this blog covers the Amtel Atmega2561 microcontroller.

8 min Public Policy

The IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019

In this blog post, we will walk through the newly introduced IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019 and describe Rapid7's position on it.

6 min IoT

[IoT Security] Introduction to Embedded Hardware Hacking

Many security professionals and researchers are intrigued by the idea of opening up and exploring embedded technologies but aren’t sure where to start.

4 min Haxmas

Once a Haxer, Always a Haxor

Like most hackers, I liked to take apart my holiday gifts as a kid. In this blog, I take apart Amazon's voice-controlled microwave oven to see how it works.

4 min IoT

Lessons and Takeaways from CTIA’s Recently Released IoT Security Certification Program

The CTIA recently announced a new cybersecurity certification program for cellular- and Wi-Fi-connected IoT devices. Here is my high-level overview of this program.

3 min IoT

Enhancing IoT Security Through Research Partnerships

Securing IoT devices requires a proactive security approach to test both devices and the IoT product ecosystem. To accomplish this, consider setting up a research partnership.

5 min IoT

Security Impact of Easily Accessible UART on IoT Technology

When it comes to securing IoT devices, it’s important to know that Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) ports are often the keys to the kingdom for device analysis when you have physical access. For example, as part of ongoing security research and testing projects on embedded technology we own, I have opened up a number of devices and discovered a majority of them having UART enabled. Those with UART enabled have—in every case—provided a path to full root access and allowed me to

6 min IoT

NCSAM Security Crash Diet, Week 4: IoT

The final week of our 'Security Crash Diet' series for NCSAM explores what the IoT device purchasing process is like for consumers who want to buy IoT with security in mind. Spoiler: It isn't easy.

3 min IoT

ROCA: Vulnerable RSA Key Generation

In the KRACK-related and BadRabbit-related chaos of the past week and a half, some people missed a less flashy vulnerability that nevertheless dug up key long-term questions on IoT supply chains and embedded technology. The Czech-based Center for Research on Cryptography and Security published research last weekon a vulnerability (CVE-2017-15361) in the RSA key generation process in a widely-used cryptographic software library found in Infineon secure chips. Specifically: “The algorithmic vulne

8 min Vulnerability Disclosure

Multiple vulnerabilities in Wink and Insteon smart home systems

Today we are announcing four issues affecting two popular home automation solutions: Wink's Hub 2 and Insteon's Hub. Neither vendor stored sensitive credentials securely on their associated Android apps. In addition, the Wink cloud-based management API does not properly expire and revoke authentication tokens, and the Insteon Hub uses an unencrypted radio transmission protocol for potentially sensitive security controls such as garage door locks. As most of these issues have not yet been addres

5 min Public Policy

Copyright Office Calls For New Cybersecurity Researcher Protections

On Jun. 22, the US Copyright Office released [] its long-awaited study on Sec. 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and it has important implications for independent cybersecurity researchers. Mostly the news is very positive. Rapid7 advocated extensively for researcher protections to be built into this report, submitting two sets of detailed comments—see here [/2016/03/15/rapid7-bugcrowd-and-hackerone-file-pro-res

2 min Public Policy

Legislation to Strengthen IoT Marketplace Transparency

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) is poised to introduce legislation to develop a voluntary cybersecurity standards program for the Internet of Things (IoT). The legislation, called the Cyber Shield Act, would enable IoT products that comply with the standards to display a label indicating a strong level of security to consumers – like an Energy Star rating for IoT. Rapid7 supports this legislation and believes greater transparency in the marketplace will enhance cybersecurity and protect consumers. The