Posts tagged Metasploit

6 min Metasploit

Abusing Windows Remote Management (WinRM) with Metasploit

Late one night at Derbycon [], Mubix [] and I were discussing various techniques of mass ownage. When Mubix told me about the WinRM service, I wondered: "Why don't we have any Metasploit modules for this yet?" After I got back , I began digging. WinRM/WinRS WinRM is a remote management service for Windows that is installed but not enabled by default in Windows XP and higher versions, but you can install it on older operating systems as well. Win

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: WinRM Part One, Exploiting Metasploit, and More!

WinRM Exploit Library For the last couple weeks, Metasploit core contributor David @TheLightCosine [] Maloney has been diving into Microsoft's WinRM services with @mubix [] and @_sinn3r []. Until these guys started talking about it, I'd never heard WinRM. If you're also not in the Windows support world day-to-day, you can read up on it at Microsoft [

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Microsoft Windows and SQL, TurboFTP, and More!

AppSecUSA 2012 Last week was AppSecUSA 2012 here in Austin, which may explain the curious absence of a weekly Metasploit Update blog post. The hilights of Appsec for me, were (in no particular order): Meeting Raphael @ArmitageHacker [] Mudge in person for the first time, meeting Scott @_nullbind []Sutherland, author of a bunch of recent Microsoft SQL post modules, and both of whom happened to contribute to last week's Metasploit upda

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Reasonable Disclosure, PHP EXE Wrappers, and More!

ZENWorks' Accidental Backdoor This week, we saw the release of Metasploit exploit developer Juan Vazquez's freshly discovered vulnerability in Novell ZENWorks. You can read all about it in Juan's great technical blog post, but the short version for the attention-deprived is: Novell ZENWorks ships with hard-coded credentials, which allow for SYSTEM-level file system read access. That seems like kind of a big deal for ZENWorks users -- namely because there's no reasonable way to change these cred

4 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: RopDB, Local Exploits, Better Samples, and More!

Introducing RopDB This week, Metasploit exploit devs Wei "sinn3r" Chen [] and Juan Vazquez [] finished up Metasploit RopDB [/2012/10/03/defeat-the-hard-and-strong-with-the-soft-and-gentle-metasploit-ropdb] . This advancement allows for drop-in ROP chains in new exploits, without all that mucking around with copying and pasting mysterious binary blobs from one exploit to the next. For the details on how to use it and what to expect in the

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Stealing Print Jobs, Exploiting Samba, and More!

This update has something for everyone -- new exploits, new auxiliary modules, new post modules, and even new payloads. If quadfecta is a word, we totally hit it this week! More Mac OSX 64-Bit Payloads The parade of OSX 64-bit payloads continues, with five new 64-bit payloads added this week: * modules/payloads/singles/osx/x64/say.rb * modules/payloads/singles/osx/x64/shell_find_tag.rb * modules/payloads/stagers/osx/x64/bind_tcp.rb * modules/payloads/stagers/osx/x64/reverse_tcp.rb * modul

1 min Metasploit

Webcast: Decrease Your Risk of a Data Breach - Effective Security Programs with Metasploit

Thanks for the many CISOs and security engineers who attended our recent webcast, in which I presented some practical advice on how to leverage Metasploit to conduct regular security reviews that address current attack vectors. While Metasploit is often used for penetration testing projects, this presentation focuses on leveraging Metasploit for ongoing security assessments that can be achieved with a small security team to reduce the risk of a data breach. This webcast is now available for o

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: HP, PHP, and More!

Stupid PHP Tricks This week's Metasloit update is a cautionary tale about running unaudited PHP applications as part of your infrastructure. Metasploit community contributor Brendan Coles [] has discovered and written Metasploit modules for two similar root-level vulnerabilities one for OpenFiler [] and one for WAN Emulator [] (a

1 min Metasploit

Current User psexec

At DEF CON this year I talked about some of the post exploitation capabilities within Metasploit and demo'd a cool technique I developed with Jabra on a pentest a year or so ago (I later found out that Mubix had come up with basically the same idea - great minds think alike). It is essentially this: use a session's current token to create a remote service on a victim machine. It takes advantage of a feature in Windows that most people take completely for granted. Given that you are already logg

3 min Networking

Weekly Metasploit Update: SAP, MSSQL, DNS, and More!

Zone Transfers for All This week, Metasploit community contributor bonsaiviking [] fixed up the DNS library that Metasploit uses so we won't choke on some types of zone transfer responses. Turns out, this is a two-year old bug, but DNS servers that actually offer zone transfers are so rare any more that this this bug didn't manifest enough to get squashed. This brings me to a larger point -- with older vulnerabilities like these, sometimes the hardest part for us

3 min Metasploit

Mobile Pwning: Using Metasploit on iOS

Have you ever wanted to run an exploit but found yourself away from your desk? Wouldn't it be awesome if you could launch a full version of the Metasploit Framework from your phone or tablet? As you might have guessed, now you can. With an adventurous spirit and a few commands, you can be running the Metasploit Framework on your iPad or iPhone in just a few short minutes. Warning: To install Metasploit, you'll need root access to your device – which is accomplished by following your favorite ja

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Trusted Path Switcheroo, Stack Cookie Bypass, and More!

Another week, another fifteen new modules for Metasploit. I continue to be amazed by the productivity of our open source exploit developer community. Thanks so much for your hard work and effort, folks! New Module for Trusted Path Switcheroo As I was going over this week's new modules, one that jumped out at me was Wei "sinn3r" Chen's implementation of a general Trusted Path insertion attack, Windows Service Trusted Path Privilege Escalation [

4 min Product Updates

Weekly Metasploit Update: Two Dozen New Modules

The Vegas and vacation season is behind us, so it's time to release our first post-4.4.0 update. Here we go! Exploit Tsunami A few factors conspired to make this update more module-heavy than usual. We released Metasploit 4.4 in mid-July. Historically, a dot version release of Metasploit means that we spend a little post-release time closing out bugs, performing some internal housekeeping that we'd been putting off, and other boring software engineering tasks. Right after this exercise, it was

3 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: RATs, WPAD, and More!

Just a quick update this week for some new Metasploit modules. We're holding off on the usual Framework and Pro enhancements as we button up the next point release for Metasploit Pro, Express, and Community Editions. That said, we do have a few neat new modules that I wanted to hilight, so let's take a look. Hacking the Hackers This week's haul includes something a little unusual -- an exploit for Poison Ivy, a blackhat-favored Remote Administration Tool (RAT). Community contributor Gal Badishi

2 min Metasploit

Weekly Metasploit Update: Sniffing with Meterpreter, Egg Hunting, and More!

This week's udpate has seven new modules, a much-anticipated Meterpreter enhancement, and more, so let's jump into it. Egg Hunting and Stack Smashing This week's update features a spiffy new module for HP Data Protector from Juan Vazquez and Wei 'sinn3r' Chen. It uises an egg hunting technique to reconstruct the exploit's payload -- and both Wei and Juan have a detailed blog posts in the works that go into detail on the whys and wherefores of egghunter shellcode and troubleshooting payload de