Posts tagged Metasploit

2 min Metasploit

More Fun with BSD-derived Telnet Daemons

In my last post [/2011/12/28/bsd-telnet-daemon-encrypt-key-id-overflow], I discussed the recent BSD telnetd vulnerability and demonstrated the scanner module added to the Metasploit Framework. Since then, two new exploit modules have been released; one for FreeBSD versions 5.3 - 8.2 [] and another for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 [

3 min Metasploit

Fun with BSD-derived Telnet Daemons

On December 23rd, the FreeBSD security team published an advisory [] stating that a previously unknown vulnerability in the Telnet daemon was being exploited in the wild and that a patch had been issued. This vulnerability was interesting for three major reasons: 1. The code in question may be over 20 years old and affects most BSD-derived telnetd services 2. The overflow occurs in a structure with a function pointer store

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Updated: Trivial Access to TFTP

The Metasploit Update is out, and it's a little smaller than you might expect. We've recently rejiggered our development to QA to release workflow here at Rapid7, and that means that this week, we cut the release a couple days earlier than usual in order to ensure the work flow all makes sense and that the releases get the post-commit QA attention that they deserve. The end result is that we'll have a pretty light release this week (due to the shortened development cycle), but going forward, wee

3 min Metasploit

Installing Metasploit Community Edition on BackTrack 5 R1

Update: I just published a new blog post for using Metasploit on BackTrack 5 R2 []. BackTrack 5 R1 comes pre-installed with Metasploit Framework 4.0. Unfortunately, Metasploit Community, which brings a great new Web UI and other functionality, was introduced in version 4.1, so it's not included by default. Updating Metasploit Framework using the msfupdate command will not install the Web UI. In addition, BT5 only makes

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework Updated: What's your Favorite Resource Script?

Sample Resource Scripts About a week ago, munky9001 posted on Reddit the headline, DB_Autopwn Deprecated! About time []. Shortly after, HD wrote up a blog post, Six Ways to Automate Metasploit [/2011/12/08/six-ways-to-automate-metasploit], with the moral of the story being, "don't cry for db_autopwn, there are already much better methods to get your automated pwnage on." Of these, the easiest and most straightforward way to automate things is to write a resource script. Thi

2 min Release Notes

Metasploit Framework Updated: FastLib and More

Metasploit development moves fast. Blindingly fast, fueled by tons of open source contributors -- which is one of the reasons why we moved away from our tried and true SVN repository and on to GitHub. Now that we're on a more modern, more social development platform, we have all new ways to get overwhelmed with the pace of change on the Framework, especially since contributor code is that much easier to integrate now. So, in order to ensure that the more notable week-over-week changes get their

4 min Metasploit

Six Ways to Automate Metasploit

Onward Over the last few weeks the Metasploit team at Rapid7 has engaged in an overhaul of our development process. Our primary goals were to accelerate community collaboration and better define the scopes of our open source projects. The first step was to migrate all open source development to GitHub. This has resulted in a flood of contributors and lots of greatnew features and content. One controversial change involved removing old, buggy automation tools that simply didn't meet the quality

8 min Metasploit

Recon, Wireless, and Password Cracking

The Metasploit Framework continues to grow and expand with the support of the community. There have been many new features added to the Metasploit Framework over the past month. I am very excited to be able to share some of these new developments with you. Mubix's Recon Modules Mubix's post-exploitation modules form his Derbycon talk are now in the repository. The resolve_hostname module, originally called 'Dig', will take a given hostname and resolve the IP address for that host from the windo

1 min Metasploit

Adding Custom Wordlists in Metasploit for Brute Force Password Audits

In any penetration test that involves brute forcing passwords, you may want to increase your chances of a successful password audit by adding custom wordlists specific to the organization that hired you. Some examples: * If you are security testing a hospital, you may want to add a dictionary with medical terms. * If you're testing a German organization, users are likely to use German passwords, so you should add a German wordlist. * Another good idea is to build a custom wordlist b

0 min Metasploit

Metasploit and PTES

One of our Metasploit contributers, Brandon Perry [], has put together a document detailing the recently released Penetration Testing Execution Standard [](PTES) with the modules and functionality in the Framework. PTES is a push from a group of testers fed up with the lack of guidance and the disparate sources of basic penetration testing information. Brandon's document does a great job detailing disparate par

3 min Release Notes

Exploit for critical Java vulnerability added to Metasploit

@_sinn3r [] and Juan Vasquez [!/_juan_vazquez_] recently released a module which exploits the Java vulnerability detailed here [] by mihi and by Brian Krebs here []. This is a big one.  To quote Krebs: "A new exploit that takes advantage of a recently-patched critical security flaw in Java is making the rounds in the cri

2 min Metasploit

Three Great New Metasploit Books

I've seen three great Metasploit books published lately. The one that most people are probably already familiar with is Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide by David Kennedy, Jim O'Gorman, Devon Kearns and Mati Aharoni. The book is very comprehensive, and packed full of great advice. David Kennedy is Chief Information Security Officer at Diebold Incorporated and creator of the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET), Fast-Track, and other open source tools, so he really knows his stuff. By the way,

0 min Metasploit

Metasploit Framework Featured on CNN: Phishing Made Simple

While browsing security related articles at CNN, I noticed this video of Eric Fiterman demonstrating a phishing attack and some post exploitation techniques with Metasploit Framework. Video courtesy of:

2 min Metasploit

PCI DIY: How to do an internal penetration test to satisfy PCI DSS requirement 11.3

If you're accepting or processing credit cards and are therefore subject to PCI DSS, you'll likely be familiar with requirement 11.3, which demands that you "perform penetration testing at least once a year, and after any significant infrastructure or application upgrade or modification". What most companies don't know is that you don't have to hire an external penetration testing consultant - you can carry out the penetration test internally, providing you follow some simple rules: * Sufficie

3 min Nexpose

Introducing Metasploit Community Edition!

The two-year anniversary of the Metasploit acquisition is coming up this week. Over the last two years we added a ridiculous amount of new code to the open source project, shipped dozens of new releases, and launched two commercial products. We could not have done this without the full support of the security community. In return, we wanted to share some of our commercial work with the security community at large. As of version 4.1 [], we now include the Metasploit