Posts tagged Nexpose

2 min Nexpose

Why that CVSS score? HTTP TRACE vulnerability-your questions answered

Recently we saw that there were some questions on Twitter about the HTTP TRACE vulnerability check in Nexpose, specifically around the CVSS score.  Thank you @digininja [], @tautology0 [], and @raesene [] for raising this issue - we love to hear from our users and appreciate honest feedback on our solutions. Questions like these cause us to challenge our own assumptions and reasoning, which is always a healthy pr

2 min Nexpose

Nexpose API: SiteSaveRequest and IP Addresses vs Host Names

With the release of Nexpose 5.11.1 [] we made some changes under the hood that improved scan performance and scan integration performance. As a result of those changes, the rules applied to using SiteSaveRequest in API 1.1 became stricter, which may have caused issues for some users. In the past this "worked" for the most part, though there were certainly side effects observable in the Web interface after the fact. Since these issues were not a

2 min Nexpose

Improve your scan performance with Scan Engine pooling

You can improve the speed of your scans for large numbers of assets in a single site by pooling your Scan Engines. With pooling, the work it takes to scan one large site is split across multiple engines to maximize pool utilization. Additionally, engine pooling can assist in cases of fault tolerance. For example, if one Scan Engine in the pool fails during a scan, it will transfer the scanning tasks of that asset to another engine within the pool. Available with the release of Nexpose 5.11, thi

2 min Nexpose

Site Consolidation with the Nexpose Gem

The introduction of the scan export/import feature opens up the ability to merge sites, at least through the Ruby gem. Imagine a scenario where you had split up your assets into several sites, but now you realize it would be easier to manage them if you just merge them into one. Maybe you have duplicate assets across sites and that wasn't your intent. The script below allows you to merge multiple sites into one. I replays the scans from each site into the new one (in just a fraction of the amou

2 min API

Scan Export/Import Using the nexpose-client Gem

The latest release (5.10.13) introduces a new feature into Nexpose, scan exporting and importing. We're looking to address a need in air-gap environments, where customers can have multiple consoles to address network partitioning. This approach is not without its warts. For example, if you have deleted assets from a site, this process will bring them back to life. This post is going to walk through a pair of Ruby scripts using the nexpose-client gem. The first script will export the site config

2 min Nexpose

Software defined security made real

This week were headed for VMworld 2014 in San Fransisco and we're excited to be talking about how Rapid7 is partnering with industry leaders like Symantec, Palo Alto Networks, and of course VMware to build out the VMware NSX security ecosystem []. Together we've created an integrated system that collaborates together leveraging the NSX platform [] to automate risk identification and mitigation for VMware customers

3 min Nexpose

Microsoft False Positives: "The update is not applicable to your computer"

One of the most common false positive cases we see from a support perspective is a situation where Nexpose reports a vulnerability because a specific patch is not installed, but when you try to apply the patch, the system will not let you install it and says the patch is not applicable. In many cases, this ends up being caused by another patch that is installed on the system that prevents the patch you are trying to install from being installed.  Sometimes the patch that is installed and preven

2 min Metasploit

Federal Friday - 4.25.14 - A Whole Lot of Oops

Happy Friday, Federal friends! I hope all of you enjoyed some nice family time over the respective holidays last week. After a successful Marathon Monday here in Boston we're blessed with chirping birds and blooming flowers (finally)! As you all probably know by now, Verizon released their latest DBIR [] report earlier this week. While this report covered a wide range of topics in regards to breaches, I

3 min Nexpose

Using Nexpose to Stop the Bleeding (Scanning for the OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability)

By now you have almost certainly heard about the recently disclosed OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability [/2014/04/08/gaping-ssl-my-heartbleeds] (CVE-2014-0160). The April 9th update for Nexpose includes both authenticated and unauthenticated vulnerability checks for Heartbleed. Scanning your assets with the regular full audit template, or indeed any template that isn't tuned to exclude many ports or vulnerabilities, will automatically pick up this vulnerability. But it is also possible to create

2 min Nexpose

Rapid7 part of VMware NSX Partner ecosystem

We're very excited that VMware is showcasing Rapid7 as an official VMware NSX Partner [] at VMworld 2013 this week, demonstrating how we provide best-in-class vulnerability management for virtual networks. Rapid7 has been a longtime partner with VMware.  In 2011, we introduced our vAsset discovery [/2011/11/01/virtualization-introduces-new-security-gaps] method that allows Nexpose to have real-time visib

2 min Nexpose

Bulk Asset Delete Operations via the Asset Filter Page

The latest release of Nexpose allows a user to delete multiple assets at once via either the site page or the asset group listing page. However, if a user needs to delete a range of assets which aren't represented by an existing site or group he can use the Asset Filter page to build a query and then define an asset group through which the bulk delete operation can be invoked. Clicking on the Asset Filter button will bring up a new page that allows you to build an Asset Filter query that can

7 min Nexpose

Asset Discovery Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is designed to show you how to determine the cause of and solution to the most common difficulties experienced during asset discovery in Nexpose. The following common issues will be covered here: 1. None or only a few assets are found to be alive 2. Scan appears to hang or is taking too long after finding live assets 3. Incorrect number of open ports on one or more assets After reviewing the issue that applies to your scan head down to the end of this guide for detailed troubles

7 min Nexpose

Simplifying Security Programs with Nexpose 5.7

We are pleased to announce the next version of Nexpose, version 5.7. This release focuses on helping to provide context on how well your Security Program is performing and helping you simplify your vulnerability management processes to help you save time. The last release of Nexpose, Nexpose 5.6 [/2013/04/25/simplify-vulnerability-management-with-nexpose-56], introduced the new Top Remediation [/2013/05/15/nexpose-56-top-remediation-reports-reports-that-provide-the-biggest-bang-for-your-buck]

2 min Nexpose

Assessing risk using Security Intelligence

Robert Lemos wrote an interesting article [] about how CVSS alone does not necessarily give you enough information for effective remediation prioritization. Adding context about which vulnerabilities are being exploited easily using known exploits provides a much better way of determining whether or not a given asset is at risk from a real attack. Quoting the research completed by Luca Allodi and Fabio Ma

6 min Nexpose

Guide to HTTP Header Configuration

Guide to HTTP Header Configuration This guide is designed to show how to setup an authenticated web application scan using HTTP Headers using Metasploit as the target web application. We will also go over using the Firebug and Cookie Importer Add-ons in firefox to manually test HTTP headers. The first thing we want to do is open Firefox and download the ‘Cookie Importer' and ‘Firebug' Add-ons. Now that we have our Add-ons installed we will want to restart our brower and then start