Posts tagged Public Policy

5 min Public Policy

Rapid7 Supports Researcher Protections in Michigan Vehicle Hacking Law

Yesterday, the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill – S.B. 0927 [] – that forbids some forms of vehicle hacking, but includes specific protections for cybersecurity researchers. Rapid7 supports these protections. The bill is not law yet – it has only cleared a Committee in the Senate, but it looks poised to keep advancing in the state legislature. Our background and analysis of the bill is below. In summary

1 min Public Policy

NIST 800-53 Control Mappings in SQL Query Export

In July, we added National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53r4 controls mappings to version 2.0.2 of the reporting data model for SQL Query Export reports. NIST 800-53 is a publication that develops a set of security controls standards that are designed to aid organizations in protecting themselves from an array of threats. What does this mean for you? Well, now you can measure your compliance against these controls by writing SQL queries. For example, say

4 min Public Policy

Rapid7, Bugcrowd, and HackerOne file pro-researcher comments on DMCA Sec. 1201

On Mar. 3rd, Rapid7, Bugcrowd [], and HackerOne [] submitted joint comments to the Copyright Office urging them to provide additional protections for security researchers. The Copyright Office requested public input [] as part of a study on Section 1201 [] of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Our comments to the Copyright Office focused on reforming

2 min Public Policy

I've joined Rapid7!

Hello! My name is Harley Geiger and I joined Rapid7 as director of public policy, based out of our Washington, DC-area office. I actually joined a little more than a month ago, but there's been a lot going on! I'm excited to be a part of a team dedicated to making our interconnected world a safer place. Rapid7 has demonstrated a commitment to helping promote legal protections for the security research community. I am a lawyer, not a technologist, and part of the value I hope to add is as a repr

5 min Public Policy

New DMCA Exemption is a Positive Step for Security Researchers

Today the Library of Congress officially publishes its rule-making for the latest round of exemption requests for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).  The advance notice of its findings [] revealed some good news for security researchers as the rule-making includes a new exemption to the DMCA for security research: “(i) Computer programs, where the circumvention is undertaken on a lawfully acquired device or

1 min CISOs

Top 3 Takeaways from "CyberSecurity Awareness Panel: Taking it to the C-Level and Beyond"

Hi, I'm Meredith Tufts. I recently joined Rapid7 and if you were on the live Oct. 30th's webcast, “CyberSecurity Awareness Panel: Taking to the C-Level and Beyond” – I was your moderator. It's nice to be here on SecurityStreet, and this week I'm here to provide you with the Top 3 Takeaways from our CyberSecurity Awareness month webcast where we were joined by a panel of experts: Brian Betterton - Director, Security, Risk and Compliance at Reit Management & Research Trey Ford - Global Security

3 min Public Policy

Petition for Reform of the DMCA and CFAA

Here's the TL;DR: Software now runs everything and all software has flaws, which means that we, as consumers, are at risk. This includes YOU, and can impact your safety or quality of life. Sign this petition to protect your right to information on how you are exposed to risk: -safety-through-dmca-and-cfaa-reform/DHzwhzLD The petition Last weekend a petition [

4 min Release Notes

Configuration assessment and policy management in Nexpose 5.2

We love our policy Dashboards. They are new, hot, intuitive, robust and really useful. In our latest release of Nexpose, version 5.2, we've made two major enhancements to our configuration assessment capabilities: * A policy overview dashboard: To understand the current status of compliance of configurations delivering a summary of the policy itself.A policy rule dashboard: To provide further details for a particular rule and the current compliance status for that rule. What makes th