Posts by Brendan Watters

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Jan. 1, 2023

Back from a quiet holiday season Thankfully, it was a relatively quiet holiday break for security this year, so we hope everyone had a relaxing time while they could. This wrapup covers the last three Metasploit releases, and contains three new modules, two updates, and five bug fixes. Make sure that your OpenTSDB isn’t too open Of particular note in this release is a new module from community contributors Erik Wynter [] and Shai rod [

4 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 12/16/22

A sack full of cheer from the Hacking Elves of Metasploit It is clear that the Metasploit elves have been busy this season: Five new modules, six new enhancements, nine new bug fixes, and a partridge in a pear tree are headed out this week! (Partridge nor pear tree included.) In this sack of goodies, we have a gift that keeps on giving: Shelby’s [] Acronis TrueImage Privilege Escalation [] works wonderfully, even

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 11/4/22

C is for cookie And that’s good enough for Apache CouchDB, apparently. Our very own Jack Heysel [] added an exploit module based on CVE-2022-24706 targeting CouchDB prior to 3.2.2, leveraging a special default ‘monster’ cookie that allows users to run OS commands. This fake computer I just made says I’m an Admin Metasploit’s zeroSteiner [] added a module to perform Role-based Constrained Delegation (RBCD) on an Active Directory network.

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 6/10/22

A Confluence of High-Profile Modules This release features modules covering the Confluence remote code execution bug CVE-2022-26134 and the hotly-debated CVE-2022-30190, a file format vulnerability in the Windows Operating System accessible through malicious documents. Both have been all over the news, and we’re very happy to bring them to you so that you can verify mitigations and patches in your infrastructure. If you’d like to read more about these vulnerabilities, Rapid7 has AttackerKB analy

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: 1/21/22

while (j==shell); Log4j; The Log4j loop continues as we release a module targeting vulnerable vCenter releases. This is a good time to suggest that you check your vCenter releases and maybe even increase the protection surrounding them, as it’s been a rough year-plus for vCenter []. Let your shell do the walking bcoles [] sent us a module that targets Grandstream GXV3175IP phones that allows remote code exec

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up 10/15/21

Four new Moodle modules, plus new features to help red teamers keep track of sessions and forwarded connections.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 9/17/21

New modules for Jira user enumeration, Git Remote Code execution via git-lfs, Geutebruck Camera post exploitation module, and unauthenticated RCE in elFinder PHP application

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 7/2/21

Containers that fail to Contain Our own Christophe De La Fuente added a module for CVE-2019-5736 based on the work of Adam Iwaniuk that breaks out of a Docker container by overwriting the runc binary of an image which is run in the user context whenever someone outside the container runs docker exec to make a request of the container. Execute an Image Please, Wordpress Community contributor Alexandre Zanni sent us a PR that uses native PHP functions to upload a file as an image attachment to Wo

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up 4/2/21

Six new modules targeting F5, SaltStack, Exchange Server, and more, plus some significant performance improvements and fixes.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 12/4/20

It's CTF week(end)! Plus, steal files from Apache Tomcat servers thanks to a new Ghostcat exploit, and dump process memory with a new post module that leverages Avast AV's built-in AvDump utility.

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-up: 9/25/20

Nine new modules, including a module for Zerologon, a new SOCKS module, some privilege escalations, and another Java deserialization exploit.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 5/29/20

Hello, World! This week’s wrapup features six new modules, including a double-dose of Synology and everyone’s favorite, Pi-Hole. Little NAS, featuring RCE Synology stations are small(ish) NAS devices, but as Steve Kaun, Nigusu Kassahun, and h00die have shown, they are not invulnerable. In the first module, a command injection exists in a scanning function that allows for an authenticated RCE, and in the second, a coding feature leaks whether a user exists on the system, allowing for brute-forc

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up: Feb. 7, 2020

In the week after our CTF, we hope the players had a good time and got back to their loved ones, jobs, lives, studies, and most importantly, back to their beds (and you can find out who the winners were here [/2020/02/03/congrats-to-the-winners-of-the-2020-metasploit-community-ctf/]!). For the Metasploit team, we went back to baking up fresh, hot modules and improvements that remind us in this flu season to not just wash your hands, but also, sanitize your inputs! SOHOwabout a Shell? Several [h

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up: 12/19/19

It’s beginning to look a lot like HaXmas [/tag/haxmas/], everywhere you go! We have a great selection of gift-wrapped modules this holiday season, sure to have you entertained from one to eight nights, depending on your preference! On a personal note, we here at the Metasploit workshop would like to welcome our newest elf, Spencer McIntyre []. Spencer has been a long-time contributor to the project, and we’re thrilled to have him on the team! In the spirit of givi

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: Sep. 13, 2019

Fall is in the air, October is on the way, and it is Friday the 13th. We have a lot of updates and features that landed this week, though none are particularly spooky, and unfortunately, none are json-related…1 We recently updated our digital signing keys, and some users may have seen warnings that their Metasploit packages were not signed. We’ve fixed this as of this week—apologies for any confusion. If you are still experiencing signing issues, you may need to re-download Metasploit installer