Posts by Brendan Watters

5 min Metasploit

Introducing Pingback Payloads

The Metasploit team added a new feature to Framework that improves safety and offers another avenue in MSF for novel evasion techniques: pingback payloads.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up 6/14/19

It’s Summertime, and the Hackin’ is Easy It is still early in the season, but there’s a whole lot of fixes that are already shipping. Straight off a week of intellectual synergy from the world-wide hackathon, we started to fix a lot of things we noticed while we coded over street tacos and Austin-famous beverages. All told, this week we made Metasploit more inclusive, transparent, and configurable! Inclusive @wvu-r7 has been on a roll trying to make Metasploit play well with others. He teamed u

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrap-Up: Mar. 22, 2019

Spring is here: Four new modules and metashell improvements.

12 min Exploits

Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Attacks: Explained and Examples

Stack-based buffer overflow exploits are likely the shiniest and most common form of exploit for remotely taking over the code execution of a process.

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrapup 12/7/18

If you are tired of all the snake memes and images we pushed out as we stood up support for python external modules over the last year or so, I have terrific news for you!

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 9/21/18

Tomorrow brings the fall equinox, and that means (as we are almost contractually obligated to say at this point) winter is coming.

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: 6/22/18

Welcome to another installment of the week! This installment features a new ETERNALBLUE module in everyone's favorite reptile-brain language, Python! Sporting support for Windows 8 and 10, it has everything you need, including immutable strings and enforced whitespace. In other Windows 10 news, chervalierly [] fixed an annoying bug in rex-powershell that prevented PsExec from working on later versions of Windows 10. Now, you can PsExec to your heart’s content. Go f

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 5/18/18

You Compile Me Our very own wchen-r7 [] added the ability to compile C code in metasploit, including (select) dependencies by creating a wrapper for metasm. Right now, support for windows.h is the first salvo in custom compiling tools within the metasploit interface! Hack all the things! For a long time, people have asked us to support RHOSTS in exploits just like we do in AUX modules. We listened, and now framework exploits support RHOSTS! Set your exploit, your

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/27/18

After last week's seriously serious write-up [], this week we will return to our norml normal, lighthearted (and Metasploit-hearted) wrap-ups, though we remain fans of terrible 80s movies. Drupalgeddon 2: Webdev Boogaloo After last month's Drupal exploit came to light, nearly a dozen developers have been hard at work to add a module targeting CVE-2018-7600 []. You can

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 4/7/18

Mobile Moose This week marked the beginning of our time in the new office. Everything got packed up and moved: computers, chairs, Rudy’s cups, and odd soy sauce packets in the back of the drawers. One consequence of moving to downtown Austin is that the lunch debates take longer, with flame wars about both the best tacos and the best barbecue. Metasploit: Now With More Snakes! @shellfail [] doubled down this wrapup; way back in March, he wrote a guide to writing P

3 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup 3/23/18

Adding some named pipes to everyone's favorite series of tubes UserExistsError already added 64-bit named pipe payloads, and this week, we got an extra-special upgrade: now Metasploit has 32-bit named pipe payloads! It may feel wrong not setting a port, but connecting to existing network resources feels so right! It is the Final Countdown for GSoC! The final deadline for Google Summer of Code applicants is March 27th, so get your applications in now! We are honored to be a part of the progra

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 8, 2017

Have you ever been on a conference call where you really wished you could take command of the situation? With Metasploit Framework and the new Polycom HDX exploit, you can (if given permission by the owner of the device, that is)! If teleconferencing isn't your target's style, you can also pwn correspondence the old-fashioned way: through a Microsoft Office exploit. Be it written or video, we here at Rapid7 know you value other people's communication! After another Python module and the Mac r

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Dec. 1, 2017

Here in the U.S., we just celebrated Thanksgiving, which involves being thankful [/2017/11/17/metasploit-wrapup-17/], seeing friends and family, and eating entirely too much (I know that last one is not uncommon here). After a large meal and vacation, we figured that it would be a nice, slow week for security research in the States. Then we opened Twitter and were suddenly happy we had procrastinated and most of us had put off upgrading to High Sierra. Community CTF In case you missed yesterd

2 min Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

Metasploit Wrapup: Nov. 3, 2017

What’s New? This week’s release sees multiple improvements and corrections, some years in the making! We fixed an interesting bug in the initial handshake with meterpreter that caused some payload callbacks to fail, improved error and information reporting in other modules, and then @h00die ran spellcheck []! New (and Improved!) Modules (2 New): After three years, @wvu’s tnftp aux module grew up to become a strong, well-rounded explo

11 min Research

Building a Backpack Hypervisor

Researcher, engineer, and Metasploit contributor Brendan Watters shares his experience building a backpack-size hypervisor.